Birthca 1777, VA or Northampton Co NC
Death1857, Chatham Co NC Age: 80
Notes for Patrick (Spouse 1)
According to the 1850 census, Patrick Hathcock was born in Virginia in 1777 and there is evidence to suggest that he was the son of James and Elizabeth Hathcock. It is more likely however, that he was born in Northampton County, North Carolina. James Hathcock was most probably the son of William Hathcock Sr., who was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth Hathcock of old Brunswick County (now Greensville), Virginia. The information below seems to support this.
The Last Will and Testament of Patrick Hathcock was dated 16 June 1857 in Chatham County, North Carolina recorded at page 460 of Will Book C. Patrick named his wife Rhoda and his sons Thomas Alfred, Pleasant and James Macklin. Thomas Alfred and James Macklin had removed from Chatham County in 1845 and settled in Marshall County, Kentucky, and lived there until 1847 when both removed (to) the adjacent county of Graves. In 1858 Thomas Alfred removed to Anderson County, Texas; however, James Macklin remained in Graves County, Kentucky and settled around Symsonia. He raised a family of five children. Meanwhile, Pleasant and their father Patrick remained in Chatham County, North Carolina. Details on Patrick's sons in Kentucky and Texas are recorded in Volume VI of Hathcock Family History and will not be repeated here.
Pleasant was born in 1813 and married a woman by the name of Susan. Their children included Carny, born 1837, a Civil War Veteran; Eliza, born 1838, Caroline Frances, born 1840; Laretta, born 1842; Rhoda, born 1843; and Henry, born in 1846. Chatham County Marriage records of the period show that a Franklin Hathcock married an Elizabeth Ryans 28 December 1857, as witnessed by Carney Hathcock. Rhoda Hathcock married Marion Richerson 25 January 1868. Henry married a woman by the name of Martha and appears on the 1889 census. It is possible that Patrick had another son named Hiram who died between 1855 and 1856 before Patrick wrote his Last Will and Testament.
The descendants of Patrick Hathcock have been told by older members of their family that Thomas Alfred, son of Patrick, was born on the day that his parents arrived at their new place of settlement; that there was a red-haired daughter; that there were brothers but their names were not remembered (or it was a biblical name) other than William, who moved to Georgia. Careful analysis of this tradition, would show that a generation has been skipped in the tradition and the brother in question was not a brother of Patrick but a brother of his father. As to the father of Patrick Hathcock, only strong evidence can be offered that James was his father. It is known from the 1850 census records, that Patrick was born in 1777 or 1778. By examining other census records, it is observed that Patrick does not appear on the 1800 census of Chatham County, whereas James Hathcock does appear as the head of a household with a son age 16 to 26 years. The only other Hathcock on this census is that of John Hathcock (b. 1755-1765) with no sons over the age of 16 years. Patrick would have been 22 or 23 years of age in 1800. John Hathcock is believed to be a brother of James Hathcock and an uncle of Patrick Hathcock.
It is noted that Patrick first appears in the census of 1810 and James is also listed on that census. Further, throughout the generations of the descendants of Patrick Hathcock, the name James is found as the most repeated name even down to today. It is therefore, reasonable to assume that James' son was Patrick and that James had a brother, William, who moved to Elbert County, Georgia.
The 1790 census of Chatham County enumerates James, John, William and Hosea as heads of households. It is shown in Section 2.1.2 that the son of William Hathcock Sr. that was William; hence, it follows that James, being the brother of William, and William are both sons of William Hathcock Sr. and grandsons of Joseph and Elizabeth Hathcock of Brunswick County, Virginia. Speculating, it also follows that the William, John {sic, I think he meant James), Hosiah and the John Hathcock enumerated on the 1790 census of Chatham County are all sons of William Hathcock Sr. and that William and Hosiah moved to Elbert County, Georgia, about 1800. This theory is more fully developed in Section 3.2.3.
In 1800, a census of Chatham County contains only two Hathcock families; James and John Hathcock. The full data are given below.
1800 Census of Chatham County, North Carolina
(Hillsboro District)
James Hathcock
2 Males 45 years or older
1 Male 16-26 years (Patrick)
1 Male 10--16 years
1 Female 16-26 years
4 Females 10-16 years
3 Females 0-10 years
John Hathcock
1 Males 26-45 years
2 Males 10--16 year
1 Males 0 10 years
1 Female 26-45 years
2 Females 16-26 years
In 1810, the family of James and his son Patrick appear on the 1810 census as follows:
1810 Census of Chatham County, North Carolina
James Hathcock
1 Male over 45 years
1 Female over 45 years
3 Females 16-26 years
10 Slaves
1810 Census of Chatham County, North Carolina
page 195
Patrick Hathcock
1 Male 26-45 years (Patrick)
3 Males 0-10 years
1 Female 26-45 years (Rhcda)
1 Female 0-10 years
page 210
John Hathcock
1 Male over 45 years
1 Male 16-26 years
3 Males 0---10 years
1 Female over 45 years
1 Female 16-26 years
1 Female 0-10 years
10 Slaves
page 200
Tatum Hathcock (probably son of John)
1 Male 16-26 years
3 Slaves
Stevem Hathcock (died ca. 1820 Chatham County)
6 free colored persons (See Section 2.3)
Following census search carried out by Clayton Heathcock, 31 October 2009:
1850 Census of Lower Regiment, Chatham Co NC
Family Number 885
Name Age
Pattrick Hathcock 73 b VA
Rhoady Hathcock 70
Family Number 886
Name Age
Pleasant Hathcock 37 b NC
Susan Hathcock 30 b NC
Carney Hathcock 13 b NC
Keziah Hathcock 12 b NC
Carolin Hathcock 10 b NC
Lucetta Hathcock 8 b NC
Rhoady Hathcock 7 b NC
Henry Hathcock 4 b NC
Family Number 889
Name Age
Hiram Hathcock 45 b NC
Eliza Hathcock 35 b NC
Lorenzo D Hathcock 11 b NC
Family Number 821
Name Age
Stanford Hathcock 35 b NC
Sarrah Hathcock 30 b NC
Willie Hathcock 15 b NC
Wright Hathcock 14 b NC
Frances Hathcock 12 b NC
Franklin Hathcock 10 b NC
Ruffin Hathcock 5 b NC
Family Number 683
Name Age
Green Hathcock 28 b NC
Berchy Hathcock 73 b VA
Family Number 183
Name Age
William Hathcock 27 b NC
Ann Hathcock 22 b NC
Ugenia Hathcock 3 b NC
Qenevia Hathcock 1 b NC
Willie Hathcock 20 b NC
Chartol Hathcock 60 b NC