Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameRobert Baylis Sr.
2317, 8G Grandfather
Death1692, Richmond Co VA
Notes for Robert Baylis Sr.
On page 87 of “Order Book 2, 1694-1699, Wills of Richmond County, Virginia, 1699-1800,” is a recording of the will of Robert Baylis Sr., dated 5 Apr 1693.
2904 The will was presented by Thomas and John Baylis, executors and proven by Samuel Sanford (sic, probably Samford) and John Taverner.
In a court recording dated 24 September 1700, “James Samford aged Seaventy six years or thereabouts being sworn sith that some short time before Mr. Rob’t Baylis Sen’r departed this life he sent for me your Deponent and desired me to take Notice that the two feather becs he then lay on was not mentioned in his will and that he gave them to William Baylis Grandson to the said Robert and Amadine Baylis Grandaughter to the said Robert Baylis and desired me this deponent to take care that the said beds should be delivered to his said Grandchildren [that is to say] each of them to have one and further this Deponent saith that after the decease of the said Robert Baylis the aforesaid bed with bolster and rugg and sheets were delivered before the said Baylis Estate was divided by the Mutuall Consent of the Execut’rs or persons interest one to Jane Baylis for the use of her son Wm Baylis the other to Mr Tho: Baylis for the use of his Daughter Amadine and further saith not James Samford Mr Samford was sworne before us to the above Deposition this 24th day of 7’br 1700.”