Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameThomas Baylis
2317,1671, 7G Grandfather
Death1699, Richmond Co VA2317
Birthaft 1660, Old Rappahannock Co VA
Death6 Dec 1721, North Farnham Psh, Richmond Co VA Age: 61
MarriageMay 1699, Richmond Co VA2318
Notes for Thomas Baylis
The will of Thomas Baylis, dated 25 Apr 1697 and recorded 27 Dec 1699 mentions land lying in the woods to be equally divided among eight children: Robert, [Anne], Francis, [Catherine], [Mary], [. . .]; land purchased from Alexander Fleming, [. . .], Algar, and Edward Taylor to son Thomas, if he has no heirs, to son Robert. The executor was his wife and witnesses were Phillip Hemmings, George Bluford and Samuel Samford. The listing in “Wills and Inventories of Richmond Co VA, 1699-1800, also states that Thomas Baylis was the son of Robert Baylis, Sr. (d. 1692) and that he married (1) Catherine Samford and (2) Sarah (Edgcomb) Suggett (MRC, p. 12). The inventory was returned by Sarah Baylis.