NameWill Rose 
Birth23 Dec 1872, San Antonio, Bexar Co TX1436
Death6 Jan 1948, Montgomery Co OH Age: 75
Notes for Mary Francis “Frankie” (Spouse 1)
Shirt-Tail Kin says that Frankie Green married Joe Dobbs.
299 The obituary of Matilda Green listed among survivors a daughter named Mrs. F. Dudds.
Lived in San Antonio in 1915
309 and in Ohio in 1931.
3101910 Census of San Antonio, Ward 6, Bexar Co TX
Name Age
Joseph Dubbs 43 head OH PA PA married 11 years
Mary Dubbs 37 wife TX TN TN married 11 years, mother of 2, 2 living
Robert Dubbs 18 son TX OH TX
Josie Dubbs 3 dau TX OH TX
1920 Census of San Antonio, Ward 4, Bexar Co TX
Name Age
Joseph Dubbs 51 head MO MO MO
Frankie Dubbs 46 wife TX TX TX
Robert A Rose 26 son TX TX TX
Josephine Dubbs 13 dau TX MO TX
1930 Census of Dayton, Montgomery Co OH
Name AgeJoseph Dubbs 64 head OH PA PA age at first marriage, 38
Mary F Dubbs 57 wife TX TN TN age at first marriage, 26
Robert G Rose 35 son TX England TX
1940 Census of Van Buren, Montgomery Co OH
Household Members Age RelationshipMary Dubbs 69 Head
Robert Rose 35 Son
Frankie was still alive at the time her sister Nancy Jane Green Lay died and was mentioned as a surviving sister in the obituary (31 March 1931). She was also listed as a surviving sister in the obituary of her sister Matilda Marzee Erb (10 February 1932).
Notes for Mary Francis “Frankie” (Spouse 1)
DATED MAY 24TH, 1917
Note: Frankie Dubbs was the daughter of Matilda Huff and John Green.
Mary Lou Scoggin was the daughter of Matilda’s baby sister, Caroline Huff Scoggin.
I do not know who Mrs. Dobbins or Mrs.Bollinger are. Most sadly, I do not know from where this letter was sent.
Mary Carolyn “M.C.” McHenry Elwess.
Transcribed March 2, 2010
“May 24th, 1917
Dear Cousin,
It has been so long since I heard from any of you that I wondered what had become of you all.
Mrs. Dobbins was here this winter & told me you were with your father and mother. I sure would stay close to them if I were you. We are all well & still have a full house. Joe gets tired of city life & wants to go farming again but I won’t let him. I have such an easy way of getting a living here & am growing old really so the farm is a poor place. He makes $8 a week & makes it lots easier than plowing. Delivers the morning paper a few hours every morning. He has a horse to drive but talks about getting him a car. I’m not caring about one, every few days I see where someone has been killed “unavoidable accident.”
Marzee is out on a ranch about 60 miles from here & a long way from anywhere. Her husband preaches at 2 or 3 places out there. He is not at all well, has spells with his heart so they have to come and sit up with him. Sister Sallie is in the hospital operated on for a tumor, weighed 8 lbs. She had never been sick untill (sic) she had this. Sister Phoebe’s husband died the 8th of May had been paralyzed for 3 years a terrible condition Phoebe did nothing but wait on him & for a long time he could scarcely move. Sister Nannie was here a few wks (sic) ago is very well but awfully stout. Sister Emma is still in Cal. Was in the missionary work the last I heard. Robert is still in Ohio has been there a yr. (sic) this May. He is a boiler-maker & is working in the shipbuilding now makes good money sometimes $5 a day. Sends me money all the time. If he doesn’t come home before long I will have to follow him but it is a problem what to do with this house & expect I would want to come home about Jan. 1st any way! Josie is a big strong girl 11 yrs. Old, she just raves about Robert being gone. She has finished the high 5th grade can go two grades a year, you know they have almost the same thing in the high that they had in the low. She learns it perfectly in the low while others take a yr. so this last year she hasn’t gone to school only on test days & she has 90 odds in all her final tests 97 in arith. She sure is a smart little thing & not a very little thing either weighs 73 lbs.
I often think of mother when Josie was 2 or 3 yrs. old she said “Frank you won’t have to send Josie to school more than 2 or 3 yrs. She will learn it all by that time.” I thought it a great joke but it turned out nearly true. We sure do miss Mama since she was called home from this life of toil & trouble. She was the sweetest thing a few days before she died that I ever saw. We would all be standing around her bed & she would name us all satisfied anywhere after she left Marzee & about 2 mos. before she died she wanted to go to stay with Nannie said she always had such a nice time there & she was able to take the trip but only lived 2 mos. about.
You must write & tell me all about the cousins & aunts & uncles. Give me Lena’s and Carrie’s address. Has Ina ever come back from the West & where is Cura living. How are the boys. Someday I hope to see all of you again.
Mrs. Dobbins & I went to the hospital to see Ola Bollinger & I went with Mrs. Dobbins & told her not to tell her I was there that I would call some other time. I just walked over there in my housedress but she told her & then I had to go in. She asked both of us to see her & I think Mrs. Dobbins phoned several times but she never had her out there always something the matter. I had more sense, just merely called her up & asked how she was told her Josie had been sick with the measles & asked her to come see us that is the last I heard or expected to hear, when they were so formal with Mrs, Dobbins couldn’t have her on account of Effie being there sick &etc. I knew their style & Mrs. Bollinger had written Mrs. Dobbins & asked her to call on her. Don’t say anything Mrs. Dobbins may have thought it was alright. She said she had a fine baby boy we didn’t see it they had it in another room & she didn’t want us to see it or it us! Said her husband was a traveling man drummer poor little girl expect she has had a hard time since she left home taking care of herself. My little daughter will never wander far from me while I live if she has to study trained nursing I will be with her.
Poor Wink (illegible) is still in Colorado she says traveling for the tuberculosis inst.(sic) but is quite well. What fools people can be. Mrs. B. was always planning to send those girls off somewhere.
Well I must close for today. Hoping you are all well & write soon. Give my love to Aunt Caroline and Uncle.
Your Cousin,
Frankie Dubbs