NameRev. John Franklin Green
291, GG Grandfather
Birthca 1824, Tennessee
Death27 Apr 1898, San Antonio, Bexar Co TX Age: 74
Birth17 Oct 1827, Sevier Co TN292
Death7 Dec 1915, San Antonio, Bexar Co TX292 Age: 88
BurialLa Vernia Cemetery, Wilson Co TX293
Marriageca 1850294 
Notes for Rev. John Franklin Green
According to Eileen Martin Bone, John Green was a Baptist minster. When he married Matilda Huff, the couple lived first a few years in Reynolds Co MO before going to Texas.
295 Reynolds Co is adjacent and SW of Iron Co.
His middle name — Franklin — was given in the 1932 obituary of his daughter, Matilda Marzee Erb. See multimedia section of her record for the newspaper account.
The first formal record of John Green is the 1850 US Census of the 54th District of Madison Co, MO:54th District, Madison Co., MO (M432-405); Family #488
HUFF, Joseph - 41y - TN
HUFF, Luvina - 42 - NC
HUFF, Mary - 17 - MO
HUFF, Dianna - 15 - MO
HUFF, Elizabeth - 13 - MO
HUFF, Joseph - 11 - MO
HUFF, Jane - 9 - MO
HUFF, Nancy - 7 - MO
HUFF, John - 5 - MO
HUFF, Luvina - 3 - MO
GREEN, John - 29 - TN - married within the last year
GREEN, Matilda - 22 - TN - married within the last yearMadison Co is in the SE corner of Missouri, not far from the Missippi River, which separates the SE corner of MO from the SW corner of Tennessee. The county seat of Madison Co, Frederickson, MO, is 219 miles from Memphis
1860 Census of Logan, Reynolds Co MOName AgeJohn Green 35 TN
Matilda Green 31 MO
Elizebeth Green 5 MO
Phebe Green. 3 MO
Ralsta Green 1 MO
Jane Huff 18 MO (Matilda’s sister)
Nancy Huff 17 MO (Matilda’s sister)
According to the obituary of Matilda Huff Green, published in 1915, John and Matilda came to Texas in 1865. John was definitely in Texas in 1880 when the family was enumerated in the 1880 census of Wilson Co:
1880 Census of Wilson, TXJohn F. Green, w, m, 54, Minister and Farmer, TN, TN, TN
Matilda Green, w, f, 52, Wife, Keeping house, TN, TN, TN
Rebecca Green, w, f, 21, Daughter, At Home, MO, TN, TN
Sarah F. Green, w, f, 16, Daughter, At Home, TX, TN, TN
Marzee Green, w, f, 10, Daughter, At Home, TX, TN, TN
Frankie Green, w m, 7, Daughter, TX, TN, TN
There is also a 1887 deed: Wilson Co TX Deeds, p 634: 16 Feb 1887. Release of lien to F. R. Williams for purchase of 169 acres of land for $220. Vendors lien was held by F. M. Lay,
J. F. Green, and J. E. Brown.
At about this time, John and Matilda appear to have moved to San Antonio. The 1891 City Directory of San Antonio lists a
John F. Green as an employee of H. Cunningham & Company, selling boots and shoes. His address is listed as 517 Ave C.
296 He is also listed at the same address in the 1893 and 1894 San Antonio City Directories. Also listed at 517 Ave C is a Nathaniel O. Green, Sr. (attorney) and a Nathaniel O. Green, Jr. (clerk with the S. A. & A. P. Ry.). [Note: it is possible that this is another John F. Green--see Notes on Matilda.] The 1893 San Antonio City Directory also lists J. F. Green, occupation private boading, at 429 E. Commerce.
297 Also listed in 1893, as a sales lady with L. Wolfson, residing at 428 E. Commerce, is Mis M. M. Green.
297 This would be the daughter of John and Matilda, Marzee Green.
On 5 March 1896 John Green signed the application for admission of his grandson, Frank Chevado, to Buckner Orphan Home in Dallas, Texas.
He died in San Antonio in April 1898. His death was reported on page 3 of the “The Daily Light,” Wednesday 27 Apr 1898: "Died of Gangrene - John F Green aged 72 years, died in the city hospital this morning. Deceased had lived in San Antonio 25 years. The remains were removed to his late residence, corner of East Commerce and Water Street. Deceased had tried to destroy a corn by means of poison, which resulted in gangrene of the foot." [
Note: The newspaper obituary information was probably given by the hospital as no survivors or family members are listed.]
The 1905-6, 1908 and 1910 San Antonio City Directories list M. M. Huff as the
widow of J. F. Green: M.M. Green (wid J F ) Springfield House r. same
Under Boarding Houses of same directories: Springfield House 322 E Commerce (1905-6) 334 E. Commerce (1908, 1910)
Research notes for Rev. John Franklin Green
The U. S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914, includes elistments for the Mexican War (1846-48). Included in this register are 18-year-old Pleasant Green and 24-year-old John Green, of Tennessee, who enlisted on 10 May 1847. However, John Green is recorded as having died on 18 Dec 1847.
Research notes for Rev. John Franklin Green
There was another men named John F. Green in early San Antonio. John Fulton Green was the second son of Col. and Mrs. N. O. Green and the brother of Judge Robert Green. He was born in Mexico on 12 January 1867, where his father had gone after the Civil War.
298 He was a Captain in the Thirty-third Infantry, United States Volunteers. His unit shipped out to Manila, Philipines on 15 September 1899. He was wounded in the Battle of San Jacinto, near Luzon, on 12 November 1899.
299The San Antonio Daily Express, on Saturday March 22, 1902, carried a brief announcement in an article entitled
“Captain John F. Green, Thirty-third Infantry, United States Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry in service at San Jacinto, Luzon, Phillipine Islands, Nov. 11, 1900, to rank from that date.”
The 1900 census has a listing for John Green, with his home in 1900 listed as “San Antonio, Phillipine Islands, Military and Naval Forces.
A man who appears to be this John Green is listed in the 1910 census of San Antonio, Bexar Co TX, with his wife Cecelia and six children.
Research notes for Rev. John Franklin Green
According to census records, John F. Green was born in Tennessee in about 1821. His marriage to Matilda Huff produced eight daughters and one son, Martin.
On a hunch, I searched the 1820 Tennessee census for a Martin Green. There was, in fact, one Martin Green, in Davidson, TN.
Name: Martin Green
County: Davidson
State: Tennessee
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Males - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Females - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Females - 45 and over: 2
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 7
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 1
Slaves - Males - 14 thru 25: 2
Slaves - Females - Under 14: 1
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Under 16: 2
Free White Persons - Over 25: 3
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 6
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 13
Unfortunately, this Martin Green reported no sons aged less than 10, so this hunch is a dead end.
Research notes for Rev. John Franklin Green
There is a recorded marriage of John Green to Mary Ann James in Madison Co MO on 6 August 1843.
1860 Census of Logan, Reynolds Co MO lists another John Green, also from TN
Name AgeJohn Green 24
Evelina Green 26
Almerda Green 3
Marion Green 1
According to member notes on the census record, this is John Lewis Greene, who married Evaline Edgmon in Roan TN on 23 Sep 1855.
1850 Census of Madison Co MO (family 324)
Name AgeNancy Compton 36
Sarah Compton 15
Yelveston Compton 13
Dunarcus A Compton 10
Elizabeth Compton 8
Eliza Compton 6
Hariett Compton 5
Mary J Compton 3
Richard W Compton 1
John Green 42 NC
Mary A Green 21 NY
Aaron E Green 0 3/12 MO
John F. Green was also listed in Madison Co with his wife Matilda, living in the home of his new in-laws, Joseph and Luvina Huff (family 488). Although his age is recorded as “29”, later listings and his 1898 obituary indicate that he was probably more like 22-25. It is conceivable (but probably not highly likely) that this John Green was his father and Mary A. Green was his sister.
Notes for Matilda Marzee (Spouse 1)
Her obituary, published in the Floresville Chronicle Journal 10 Dec 1915 is given below:
"Mrs. M. M. Green, 88 years old, a resident of Texas for 50 years, died in LaVernia. Native of Missouri. Surviving, six daughters: Mrs. P. L. Davis, Mrs. F. Dudds, and Mrs. S. Ford, all of San Antonio, Mrs. Emma Robinson of California, Mrs. J. H. Erb of Real Co Texas, and Mrs. F. M. Lay of LaVernia."
This obituary, if accurate, indicates that M. M. Huff came to Texas in 1865, four years after the birth of her daughter Nannie Jennie Green.
Note added August 8, 2004: The inscription on her grave marker at the La Vernia cemetery indicates her date of birth as 16 October 1828. The 1900 census indicates that she was born in Feb 1828. If the birthdate of her younger brother (June 2, 1829) is correct, it is virtually impossible that Matilda could have been born 16 October 1828.
Matilda’s state of birth is given in various census records as MO (1860, 1900) and TN (1850, 1880, 1910). According to Eileen Bone, Joseph and Luvina Huff moved from Sevier Co TN to Iron Co MO in “about 1827,” which was the year Matilda was born.
It is not known where or how Matilda met John Green, but she and her husband were listed in the 1850 census as living with her father and mother.
Notes for Matilda Marzee (Spouse 1)
Notes on
John F. Green and Matilda GreenSan Antonio, TX (Bexar Co Court House, San Antonio Public Library)
Oct 20, 2001
Deeds and grants: 1890-1911:
Grantee John F. Green, Grantor Henry Elmendorf, Deed and Lien, Filing Nov 28, 1890 2pm; Date of Record, Dec 9, 1890 4pm; Book 86 page 167
Grantee John F. Green, Grantor Henry Elmendorf, Release of Lien, Jan 6, 1891 10am; Date of record Jan 22, 1891, book 89 page 99 [lot number 3, block number 7, South of E Commerce and East of the San Antonio River]
Grantee Matilda Green, Grantor H. Elmendorf, Deed with Lien, Filing Nov 28, 1890 2pm, Date of Record Dec 9, 1890 4:45pm, Book 86 page 170
Grantee Matilda Green, Grantor H. Elmendorf, Release of Lien, Jan 6, 1891 10am, book 89 page 101 [lot number 4, block number 7, South of E Commerce and East of the San Antonio River]
There are listings for John F. Green and Matilda Green in several San Antonio City Directories from 1891-1906. Following is not complete:
1896-7 San Antonio City Directory:
John F. Green, boarding, 408 E Commerce
[also listed - Springfield House 322 E Commerce]
1899-1900 San Antonio City Directory:
John F. Green, clk A. R. Shephard, r 517 Ave C
Mrs. John F. Green (wid), boarding, 408 E Commerce
John F. Green, 404 E Commerce
[also listed - Springfield House 322 E Commerce]
1901-02 San Antonio City Directory:
M. M. Green (wid J.F.), boarding 408 E Commerce, r. same.
[also listed is Matilda Green (wid Fritz), r 1361 S Laredo]
1905-06 San Antonio City Directory:
M. M. Green (wid J.F.), Springfield House, r same.
334 E Commerce St. Springfield House, Mrs. M. M. Green
These directory listings are confusing. There may even have been two John F. Greens and two Matilda Greens (but this seems highly unlikely). We know that John F. Green and Matilda Green bought adjoining lots from Henry Elmendorf in November, 1890. The 1896 listing of John F. Green, boarding, 408 E Commerce, agrees with the 1899 listing of Mrs. John F. Green (widow) at the same address and still engaged in boarding. However, the 1899 directory also lists a John F. Green at 404 E Commerce and the 1901 directory lists both this John F. Green and M. M Green (wid J.F.) and a Matilda Green (wid Fritz). The 2nd John F. Green and the 2nd Matilda Green both appear in several other directories in this period. It is possible that Matilda Green, widow of John F. Green #1, began to go by “M. M.” to avoid confusion with Matilda Green #2, widow of Fritz.
In the 1905 directory, it appears that M. M. Green has acquired the Springfield House, which is listed in earlier directories at 322 E. Commerce.
The area where the Springfield House stood is now occupied by the Hemisfair grounds. In the 1890s East Commerce street began at the river, whereas it now begins at a site further west.
Note added May 4, 2003: These apparent discrepancies may be explained by the letter from Emily Green Robinson to her aunt, Caroline Scoggins, dated August 2, 1890.
301 In this letter (reproduced as a note under Emily Green Robinson), it is stated that John and Matilda Green split up some time after Rebecca married and left home (when she was 23 years of age). Rebecca was born in Missouri before 1860, so her marriage and estrangement from the family would have occurred in the early 1880s. Thus, John and Matilda had been living apart for some time by August, 1890.
Notes for Matilda Marzee (Spouse 1)
Matilda's middle name may have been Marzee. This unusual name was used for one of her daughters and appears several times in other descendants.
Notes for Matilda Marzee (Spouse 1)
1900 Census of San Antonio Ward 8, Bexar, Texas
Matilda Green, Head, w, f, Feb 1828, 71, divorced, mother of 8 children, 6 still living, MO, MO, MO, Boarding House
Marzee Green, Daughter, w, f, Feb 1871, 29, single, TX, TN, TX
John Erb, Boarder, w, m, Jun 1859, 41, divorced, Canada Eng, Canada Eng, Canada Eng, immigration 1878, 22 years in US, naturalized, Merchant
14 other boarders listed
1910 Census of San Antonio Ward 8, Bexar, TX
John H. Erb, Head, m, w, 52, m, married 1 year, Canada English, Canada Eng, Canada Eng, immigrated 1884, Na, Contractor, House
Maren E. M. Erb, Wife, f, w, 42, m, married 1 year, TX, MO, TN
Mathilda Green, Mother-in-law, f, w, 83, widowed, MO, MO, TN
Mary J. Chivido, Niece, f, w, 14, single, TX, TX, TX
Charles Chivido, Nephew, m, w, 23, single, TX, TX, TX
+ 9 white boarders and 2 black servants