Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameJose Francisco Chavedo 
Birth1855, Mexico
Death1895, Uvalde, TX1434 Age: 40
Birthbef 1860, Missouri
DeathJan 1896, Uvalde, TX Age: 36
Notes for Jose Francisco Chavedo
According to a newspaper story, Francisco Chevado drowned in a swollen stream, from which he was attempting to rescue others.
“The father of this child was drowned last year at Uvalde in a swollen stream, from which he was endeavoring to rescue others.”
Notes for Rebecca “Beckie” (Spouse 1)
Beckie Green was afflicted with sore eyes and was blind at one time. Later she was able to see, but poorly. When she was about 23 whe married Francisco Chevado, a Mexican who worked for her father, left the family, and was not seen again. About a year after her marriage, the family received a letter from a doctor saying that he was with Beckie during the birth of a son. The news was hard on John Green and, according to Emily Green Robinson, was indirectly the cause of John and Matilda breaking up and losing their home and everything they had.
305Beckie died in January 1896, within a year after Francisco had drowned in a swollen stream. Their four children were placed in Buckner’s Orphanage, near Dallas. One of the children drowned in April, 1896. In 1910, Carlos (Charles) and Mary Inez were living in the home of their aunt and uncle, Marzee Green Erb and John Erb.