NameWilliam H. Robinson 
Birth1835, NY
Death1900-1910 Age: 65
Birth1855, Missouri
Death30 May 1934, Los Angeles, CA304 Age: 79
Marriage22 Nov 1875, Wilson Co TX21
Notes for William H. Robinson
From “Shirt-Tail Kin:”
295 “Emily Elizabeth Green married a Mr. Robinson, who had been a Captain in the Union Army.”
1900 census of El Paso, TX
Name AgeWilliam H Robinson 65 head jul 1834 65 NY England England
Emma E Robinson 45 wife feb 1855 MO TN TNLula F Robinson 15 dau apr 1885 TX NY MO
Edna M Robinson 12 dau mar 1888 TX NY MO
Fanny G Robinson 9 dau jul 1890 TX NY MO
Sidney Williams 25 lodger
Cary Williams 18 lodger
Florance Southerland 19 lodger
Emma Robinson is listed in
1910 census of Los Angeles Assembly District 70, Los Angeles, California in the family of daughter Edna Beatty
Charles T Beaty 34
Edna M Beaty 23
Edwin Beaty 2
John Beaty 2/12
Elsie Beaty 14
Eva Beaty 12
Emma Robinson 54 MO TN TNHenry Robinson 2
John Robinson 2/12
Emma E. Robinson is listed in 1920 census of Lankershim, Los Angeles, California
in family of her son Charles
Charles E Robinson 40
Edwin D Robinson 20
Emily M Robinson 15
Henry M Robinson 13
George J Robinson 10
Emma E Robinson 65 MO TN MO
Notes for Emily Elizabeth (Emma) (Spouse 1)
Emma Robinson lived in CA in 1915
305 and in Venice, CA, in 1931.
306Following are census records of Emma Robinson:
Los Angeles, CA 18 April 1910
Name Age
Charles T Beaty 34 head TX MO TN
Edna M Beaty 23 wife TX Eng English MO
Edwin Beaty 2 son CA TX TX
John Beaty 2/12 son CA TX TX
Elsie Beaty 14 dau TX TX TX
Eva Beaty 12 dau TX TX TX
Emma Robinson 54 mthr-in-law MO TN TN
Henry Robinson 2 nephew TX TX TX
John Robinson 2/12 nephew TX TX TX
Los Angeles, CA 27 Jan 1920
Name Age
Charles E Robinson 40 head TX Eng* MO
Edwin D Robinson 20 son TX TX TX
Emily M Robinson 15 dau TX TX TX
Henry M Robinson 13 son TX TX TX
George J Robinson 10 son TX TX TX
Emma E Robinson 65 mother MO TN MO
*Staffordshire is written in the box for place of birth of father, then scratched out.
Notes for Emily Elizabeth (Emma) (Spouse 1)
The following letter was written by Emily Elizabeth Green Robinson to her aunt Caroline. The letter is dated August 8, 1890, and was provided by LuAnn Patterson.
San Antonio TX 8/2/1890
Mrs. Caroline Scoggins:
My dear aunt. The letter you sent mother was given to me this morning by my husband who brought it up from mothers for me to read; it is the first I have seen from any of my Missouri kinsfolk since my marriage and when I read it the tears would come dripping down and that old familiar saying came vividly to my memory, "blood is thicker than water".
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Your letter was so full of news concerning all for whom we would have inquired so I must try and be as judicious in my letter; I have been married fifteen years ~ have two boys and four girls living~ two girls died. They died in infancy ~one two years old, the other nineteen days. My boys are oldest; two bright smart lads. The oldest fourteen is in the public high school. The other and the oldest girl, Maryann Matilda, goes to one of the ward schools within a stones throw of the gate. My three small girls are just sweet nuisances. The same as yours and every other mothers. Last but not least I must tell you about my husband; he is just the best old man in Texas (I would say United States for that would include yours and we are too far apart to quarrel successfully). He is a Baptist preacher but does not preach for a living (as is the modern custom in Texas); but clerks at Government Headquarters, his salary gives us a good living and we can lay up something. We have a nice home in the nicest part of the city; well that is enough for selfishness. Sis. Phoebe if you remember was next she is living on the old farm where most of us
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Were married; she has a good hard working farmer for a husband. We all like him. She has two boys each a year younger than my two; they live about twenty miles from San Antonio but they brought melons and cotton to town this year and came alone; They are sweet boys, one of them has Grandpa Huff’s big blue eyes. If you remember Phoebe was very much like Grandpa, she has one girl and a small boy four in all.
Sister Beckie during her childhood was greatly afflicted with sore eyes, was blind at one time, afterwards got so she could see, but poorly; papa spent a great deal of money on her and she was the idol of his heart and truly the most perfect human I ever knew. When she was about twenty-three years old she married a Mexican that papa had working for them for four or five years, none of us have ever seen her since; they say every house has its grinning skeleton, and this is ours.
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About a year after her marriage they received a letter at home from a doctor saying he was with her during the birth of a son; since then we have never heard from her. It came near killing papa, and indirectly was the cause of them breaking up and loosing their home and everything they had, that has all happened since Aunt Pollie was with them; I was not near them at the time and did not see them at one time for six years, we have been here only two years; do not mention Beckie in any of your letter for I do not think they would want any of you to know it; but all things will be revealed some day. I would not write this to you to make you sad; but I want you to know all about papa and mamma; what they are doing and how they came there. The next was sister Nannie, mother’s last Missouri baby; my husband says she has the nicest family of any of them. She has two very pretty sweet girls and then three lovely little boys and a thorough rousing businessman for a husband, her name is Lay. PO Lavernia, Wilson Co. 7 miles from Phoebe. Sallie the first Texas baby has a lawyer for a husband; he makes plenty of money.
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Sallie has two little boys; lost her first one, choked to death at two years old on a grain of coffee. Her PO is Floresville county site of Wilson Co.
The remaining two, Marzee and Frankie are young ladies at home; and it was to get those two at school and into different society after Beckies trouble that Papa commence speculating in land and moved to San Antonio and lost everything. Mamma is on East Commerce St. cooking for a boarding house; she makes them a good living and is trying to lay by something to buy her a home. Papa has a pair of horses an old Bogus some of old Gray Judes stock that he brought from Missouri; (Grandma will remember) he hauls lumber and anything else he can get to haul and works hard enough to kill any other man of his age and every "once and again" he has a hard spell.
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But he gets up and goes again. Mama had a spell this spring and came near dying; but Pap says and I have heard him say hundreds of times to us children she is just like your grandmother, she will kill herself at work. Of all the mothers I have ever known in my life I have never seen one to compare with ours; she has worked and suffered and bourn more for her children than any mother in all my knowledge and I have lived many places and known many and she is still as devoted to those two at home as she was to the seven; if she only had a home she could make them a living easy but she has to pay thirty dollars a month for a house to live in and that takes most of her spare money. She comes to see me occasionally on Sunday evening; and it makes my heart ache for she is so tired and sleepy she cannot stay awake but a little while. I always have her to lie down and she drops off to sleep directly. Marzee has quit going to school and helps mamma some; Frank is going and if she keeps on will graduate in two years; I know that if anybody at home answers your letter it will be one of the girls and they are entirely too proud to write the plain truth for they did not do it when they used
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To write to me two years ago when we came here. They were on a rented farm some three miles below town, Papa had worked harvesting had until he had fever and was almost dead; he would work in the sunshine until twelve and come in with burning fever which would continue until night then sweat a cold death sweat until everything about him was wet; you know that could not last long, we got him to stop and go out to Phoebe’s and then got mama in the notion to come up to town; they never wrote me a word of their troubles; starvation and destitution and papa would have died right there; but God was not ready to take him from us and providential circumstances brought us up here; at that farm is where they were when Aunt Nannie came thro’ San Antonio. When papa got where he could get beef and vegetables and plenty to eat he got as fat as a pig; isn’t that pitiable. I shall always remember it with an aching heart. At that time we were not able to give them much assistance and soon spent all we had; and were almost destitute ourselves before there was a vacancy in the Department, but my husbands recommendations got him the first vacant place; we have see many trials together
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Since our marriage; and have learned that true happiness comes alive from serving and trusting God; we have seen many wonderful works of God and can trace his power and loving mercy in everything.
Say to my precious old grandmother, that I can remember her dear old hands and how she used to lay them caressingly on our little flaxen heads. I can remember Grandpa’s funny jokes and the old chest of maple sugar; the milk house, the spring branch, the orchard, the barrel of pickeled cucumbers, the garden, Uncle John’s little sled, how he used to ride us and rub our little cold fingers; and you dear Aunt, how we used to play with dolls and horses made of polkstalks. I told you my young ones were a nuisance, here is the proof; please excuse me for not copying this sheet.
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Then the yankeys came with their blue caps and gun and we saw mama cry and cry every day and filled our little hearts with terror; oh, I remember the bitter cold night we left our home and as we went along how mama cried and I peeped out of the wagon at the snow and ice and then covered my little white head and we came on to Texas, little homeless wanderers for years; mama cried for years after we came to Texas and Papa would cry sometimes too. Papa has never been the same man any more; for years he tried to get ahead
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And worked so hard; but nothing seemed to prosper. He was in a country of strangers and people instead of trying to help him tried to pull him down. They succeeded in buying them a home but for years we could not get enough ahead to build us a house and most of my young lady days were spent in a miserable little hovel we would have been ashamed for any one of you to see then. They swapped places and got a place with a kind of a house that had a plank floor and not long afterwards was married. Well Aunt Caroline if you will excuse this long letter and pay me back in the (???) corn I will be thankfull; I could keep sitting all week and not be half thro. Give my love to your husband and children, kiss dear old grandmother. I would be so glad for her to see mamma before she dies you might come and bring her; it would be a nice trip for you and we would all be so glad to see you.
Give my love to all my dear old aunts and uncles I remember them all.
Your loving niece, Emily
E. E. Robinson
1723 Hackberry St.
San Antonio, Texas
Dear Grandmother, Although I have never seen you, I love you because my Emma does. And if we are not permitted to meet you on earth, I trust we shall in heaven. My little ones send their love to their Great Grandmother. Oh! I do wish my wife could see you once again. Yours truly, W. H. Robinson (initials unclear)