WILL OF WILLIAM WHITGIFT2816 (Digitized by Google book scan. Some of the unusual words are original and some are apparently due to incorrect character recognition. An original transcription has been published in the New England historical and genealogical register.
In the name of God, amen: the thirteene daye of June in the yere of oure lord god one thousand sixe hundred and fifteene. I William Whitguifte of Clavering in the Countie of Essex, gent, beying weake in bodye but of good memo rye (praised be Almightie god) doe hereby annihillate revoke and make voyde all former willes by me at any tyme heretofore made and nowe do make and ordayne this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following. First I Commend my soule into the handes of Almightie god my heavenlie father and of Jesus Christe my only Savyoure and of the holie ghost the blessed Sanctifier of me and all the Elect of god trusting assuredlie to have remission of all my synnes and to dwell in the most sweete presence of that heavenlie Maiestie of god forever thoromdie the create mercye meritts and passion of my gracious Sayvoure and Redemer Jesus Christe in whom all Nations are blessed. Next I will that my bodye according to the order of xpistian Buryall be honestlie and decentlie conveyed into the bosome of the Earthe there to be layed within the parishe Churche of Clavering aforesayd as neere unto the grave of my welbeloved wife latelye deceased as convenientlie may be. And as for the disposition of all my worldlie goodes Chattells plate money houshold stuffe Boudes and Debts of what kynd nature and qualitie soever they be which god of his goodness hathe lent me here in this life,
First I will and bequeathe to Bradburye of Wicken Bonnant gent, twoe hundred and fifteene poundes of gooil englishe money in lieu satisfaction ami full compensacon of one Bond of twoe hundred poundes of good english money nowe in the liandes of the sailt; d VVymond Bradburye in which bond I William Whitgift stood bound to Frauncis Gill my kynd and loving sonne in lawe late deceased for the payment of one hundred and tenne poundes of good englishe money to the sayd Frauncis Gill the Eleaventh daye of Januarye which was in the yere of oure lord god one thousand six hundred and fower the which bond remavnes as yet unpayed and resteth in the hands of Wymond Bradburye aforesaved ''cnt. bv occasion of his marriage with my daughter Elizabeth the late wife and widow of the saied Frauncis Gill deceased. The which somme of twoe hundred and fifteene poundes of good englishe money I will to be payed to the saved Wymond in manner and forme following that is to 8aye one hundred pounds of good englishe money within three montbes next after my decease out of this my natural life. And fiftie poundes of good english money (another part of the sayed twoe hundred and fifteene poundes) to be payed within one wliole yere next after the day of my natural] deathe. And si.vtie fyve poundes (the last parte of the twoe hundred and fifteene poundes) to be payed within twoe whole yeres after my natural! deathe to the saied Wymond Bradburye or his Assignes uppon satisfaction as aforesayed.
Item. I give and bequeathe to the poore people of Clavering the somme of six poundes of good English money to be distributed amongst them on ye daye of my Buryall or within one monethe next after by the oversighte and discrecon of my executor herein named.
Item. I give and bequeathe to John Mason a poor childe whome I broughte up twentie shillinges to be payed when he shalbe one and twentye yeres ould.
Item. I give and bequeathe to Jane Bradburye my daughter the wife of Matthew Bradburye gent, the somme of twentie poundes of good english money to be payed her within one whole yere next after my decease out of this life.
Item. I give and bequeathe to Philipp Clarke the daughter of Jane Bradbury my daughter the somme of twentie poundes of good englishe money to be payed her within the terme of twoe yeres next after my deathe.
Item. I give and bequeathe to Mathew Bradburye one of the sonnes of my daughter Jane the somme of twentie poundes of good englishe money to be payd hym at his age of one and twentie yerea.
Item. I give and bequeath to Mathewe Bradburye gent, my kynde sonne in Lawe a Ring of gould of fortie shillinges to be graven with my Arms uppon y' signet wise.
Item. I give and bequeath to Anne Whitgifte the wife of my sonne John Whitgifte one Ryng of gould of the like value to be graven in the manner aforesayed.
I give and bequeathe to George Anthony Clerk one Ryng of goulde of twentie shillings.
Item. I give and bequeathe to John Whitgifte the youngest the sonne and heire of John Whitgifte my sonne one yron Chest standing in the great chamber over the parlor with one Bason ami Ewer of silver duble guilt seaven silver Bolles euilt with silver Covers guilt belonging to each of them twoe Belsalts of silver guilt twoe white silver bolles one dozen of silver spoones guilt one dozen silver spoones unguilt. All which parcells or peaces plate before mentioned are usuallie remayniug fast locked in the sayed yron chest.
Item. I give and bequeathe to Mary Whitgifte the daughter of my sonne John Whitgifte the summe of twoe hundred markes of good englishe money to be payed her at her age of Fifteene yeres or at the daye of her marriage whichsoever of them shall first happen.
Item. I give and bequeathe to Alexander Woodcocke my man the sonime of Eight poundes of good englishe money to be payed hym within one yere next after the daye of my death.
The Residew of all my goods and chattells as well moveable as immoveable stocke store sommes of money Jewells plate and thinges of what kynde nature or qualitie soev. they are or be before by this my last will not bequeathed nor given my Debts Legacseys funerall charges and expences payed and dischardged I whollie give and bequeathe to John Whitgifte my sonne whom I ordayne and make the sole executor of this my last will and testament. And I do appoynte and make Thorns Tompson the eider of Berelen in the Countic of Essex gent. Supervisor of this my last will authorising and requesting hym to cause entreat or compell my sayed executor juslie and trulie to accomplishe and performe this my last will and testament.
And in consideracon of his freindshipp and paynes to be ymployed therein I do give and bequeathe to the saied Thomas Tompson a Ryng of gould of fortie shillinges to be graven with my Amies uppon y' signet wise desyring hym according to my truste to call uppon my saved executor for the true accomplishment and performance of his dutie and fidelitie in the premises.
In witness whereof I the said William Whitgifte to this my last will have putto my hand to every leat'e thereof and sealed the whole on the fylinge thereof togeather with my Scale of Arms in the presence of those whose names are hereunto subscribed.
William Whitgift, his mark.
Sealed signed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Tompson, Ro. Younge, George Anthonye.
Proved in the Prerogative Court, at London, Nov. 8, 1615.
Book Rudd. folio 108.