Obituary from Southern Christian Advocate:
1671William Hammond, one of the oldest as he was one of the best citizens of Whitfield county, died at his residence, near Dalton, on Friday night, Oct. 20th 1871. He was the son of Job Hammond and Lucy Howard, his wife, and was born in Elbert co., Ga., in 1792. In 1818 he married Frances Aker of Pendleton District, S. C. She only lived ten years, and in 1832 he married Lucy C. Hudson, widow of Thomas P. Carter, who survives him. After his second marriage he moved to Franklin county, aand from thence to what is now Bradley co., Tenn., then a part of the Cherokee Nation. In 1836 he removed to this (then Murray) county and settled at the home now occupied by his widow. Informant G. G. Smith
William Hammond's granddaughter, Emmala Reed, left diaries, some of which have been published:
1671 gives a great account of the Hammonds of Anderson County, S.C. at the end of the Civil War.