Am/SA/Zim Ch Camelot's Technical Knockout (Bruiser)
Clayton Heathcock & Cheri Hadley
Martinez, California
Ch Camelot's Bonzai Bomber (Bomber)
Rasyad & Julia Chung
Berkeley, California
Ch Camelot Lightnin' (Boz)
Clayton Heathcock & Cheri Hadley & John & Pat Rooney
Martinez, California
Ron & Pamela Benning-Hale
Lower Lake, California
Canela was a beautiful puppy. We called her 'Clouds' because of the markings on her belly. Because she had a single-crowned ridge, we sold her as a pet. Tragically, she was killed at only 12 weeks of age when she ran out of the house and was struck by an automobile.
Camelot's Sadie (Sweetie)
Ron & Pamela Benning-Hale
Lower Lake, California
Sweetie was originally sold to another family who lived in Lower Lake. This family lived on a farm, had several other pets, and seemed quite involved with their animals. One of the daughters was active in 4H and expressed an interest in participating in obedience and conformation activities with the dog, who they named Sadie. During the first two years, we received several letters from this family, indicating that Sadie was doing well. However, we discovered later that Sadie was not doing well. In fact, she was kept in an outside pen and pretty much neglected. When she was four years old, the family approached Pamela Benning-Hale and asked if they could breed Sadie to Pamela's young male. Pamela knew that Sadie and her male were half-siblings and told the person certainly not. At this point, the person offered to give Sadie to Pamela. Pamela and Ron accepted Sadie and took her into her their home, where she is now a much-loved pet. Because of her sweet temperament, they renamed her 'Sweetie'. We are grateful to Pamela and Ron for correcting our original mistake in placing Sadie with the first family, who we obviously misjudged.
Tom Rausch & Janet Hadley
San Jose, California
Camelot's Beamer Up Scotty (Beamer)
Don & Sunny Charles
Valley Springs, California
Little Guy
Dan Sedlmeyer
This was our second mistake in our innaugural litter. 'Little Guy' got his puppy name because he was the smallest of the litter. We turned down one person who wanted to buy him because we discovered that the person just wanted a guard dog for his business in downtown San Francisco. We kept Little Guy until he was 12 weeks old, when we med Mr. Sedlmeyer, who appeared to be a very nice young man with a wife and infant daughter. Mr. Sedlmeyer visited our house several times and seemed to really care for the puppy. However, he did not have enough money to buy him. Because we liked Mr. Sedlmeyer, we agreed that he could pay $50 per month. Shortly after taking possession of the puppy, Mr. Sedlmeyer and his wife moved, leaving no forwarding address. This is the only puppy we have 'lost' in our breeding career and we still feel bad about it. However, we learned a valuable lesson and have been much more careful placing our puppies since.