Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameLucy Wilson 
Birth30 Sep 1865, Glendale, Pope Co IL3440
Death14 Jul 1934, Los Angeles, CA Age: 68
Notes for Sherman James (Spouse 1)
1900 Census of Simpson, Johnson Co IL
Household Members Age Relationship
Sherman Lay 34 Head
Ora Lay 27 Wife
Raymon Lay 12 Son
Roy Lay 10 Son
1910 Census of Lesiston, Fergus Co MT
Household Members Age RelationshipJ S Loy 44 Head
Ora Loy 37 Wife
Harry Draper 21 Roomer
G Ewing 21 Roomer
Ethel Wilson 15 Roomer
1916 Canada Census, Saskatchewan
Household Members Age RelationshipJames S Lay 50 Head
Ora Lay 44 Wife
1921 Census of Saskatchewan
Household Members Age RelationshipJames S Lay 55 Head
Ora Lay 47 Wife
Magic Jensen 15 Servant
Duncan Smith 25 Laborer
Stanley McEachen 22 Laborer
1930 Census of Long Beach, Los Angeles Co CA
Household Members Age RelationshipJames S Lay 64 Head
Lucy Lay 62 Wife
WED ON EVE OF HOLIDAY3442 On Christmas eve at half-past six James Sherman Lay of Cabri, Saskatchewan, Canada, and Lucy Wilson of this city, were married by Rev. J. N. Hoover at his home on Ocean View avenue. The attendants were the sister of the bride, Mrs. Mattie Bowen of Riverside avenue, and Mr. Bowen. The groom is a rancher in the north, spending considerable time here. His bride has been making her home here with her mother.