Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameIrene Davenport Plulaski 
Birth18 Nov 1800, Abbeville Dist SC
Death1 Jun 1863, Alcorn Co MS Age: 62
Notes for George Ryland (Spouse 1)
1850 Census of De Kalb Co AL
Household Members AgeGeorge R Stanfield 49
Ireny Stanfield 36
Pulaski D Stanfield 16
Sarah E Stanfield 14
Parthena E Stanfield 11
Emily M Stanfield 9
William W Stanfield 7
Anna J Stanfield 4
Sarah A Stanfield 92
George Ryland Stanfield is the son of Captain John Stanfield (01 Aug 1757 NC - 08 Nov 1805 SC) and Sarah (Roberts) Stanfield (17 Dec 1757 VA - 03 Feb 1854 AL).
He married first to Elizabeth Camp/Knop in about 1820 Abbeville District, SC, and they did not have any children together by their marriage. After their marriage, they moved to Newton County, Georgia. George Ryland Stanfield divorced Elizabeth Camp/Knop Stanfield in Newton County and in the divorce record, it had they had only been married a few months. George Ryland Stanfield sued Elizabeth for a divorce.
George Ryland Stanfield then, moved himself and his mother, Sarah (Roberts) Stanfield, to Rutherford, County, Tennessee.
George Ryland Stanfield married second to Irene Davenport Pulaski in the first part of the "1830's. She was born in Georgia abt. 1814 and they had at least six children or more by their marriage:
(1) Pulaski D. Stanfield (Born 1834 GA - Died Abt. 1857 Green Co., Missouri), he married Mary Elizabeth Mayes on Aug. 31 1852 in DeKalb Co., AL.
(2) Sara E. Stanfield (Born 1836 AL)
(3) Parthena E. Louisana Stanfield (1839 AL - 14 Dec. 1889 Hunt, Johnson, ARK), she married Samuel Jones
(4) Emmeline E. Stanfield (1841 GA - died bef. 1870), she married Gilford Pilot Vaughn.
(5) William W. Stanfield (29 Jan 1843 GA - 05 Aug 1911 Hackett, Sebastian Co., ARK - 05 Aug 1911 ), he married Tennessee Williams (1851-1933).
(6) Anna Jane Colbert Stanfield (06 Jan 1846 GA - 24 Oct 1885 Madison, ARK), she married John Britain Smith.
George Ryland Stanfield, his wife, Irene, and new born child, Pulaski D. Stanfield, along with his widowed mother, Sarah (Roberts) Stanfield, moved from Georgia to Bellefonte, Jackson County, Alabama and were living there by the mid "1830's". Sarah (Roberts) Stanfield is documented as living with her son, George Ryland Stanfield, in Bellefonte, Jackson County, Alabama in the mid "1830's" in her Revolutionary War Widows Pension Record.
While they were living in Alabama, George and Irene's daughters, Sara E. and Parthena E. Louisana Stanfield were born.
George Ryland Stanfield and his family and mother, Sarah (Roberts) Stanfield all moved to Murray County, Georgia, where his brother, Peter H. Stanfield, lived, but moved back to Alabama, to Hendricksville, DeKalb County, Alabama, in the late"1840's". Sarah (Roberts) Stanfield was 91 years old, when the family was listed in the 1850 Census of Alabama ; DeKalb Co.; Hendreicksville.
George Ryland Stanfield moved his family, including his mother, to the Highpoint Community in Marshall County, Alabama in 1854. It was here, on Feb. 03, 1854, that 96 year old Sarah (Roberts) Stanfield died. She was buried in the Highpoint Cemetery.
December 22, 1861, George Ryland Stanfield and William W. Stanfield, (his youngest son), joined the Confederate Army. Attached to Company K; 2nd Mounted Rifles of the Arkansas Volunteers. William W. Stanfield survived the war, but his 65 year old father, George Ryland Stanfield, died in Alcorn County, Mississippi on June 01, 1863 while with the Confederate Army.