Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameJohn Henry Cooper 
Birth1885, Jackson Co MO
Birth25 Jan 1887, MO
DeathJun 1982 Age: 95
Notes for John Henry Cooper
1920 Census of Bryan, Jaclson Co AR
Household Members Age RelationshipJohn Cooper 35 Head
Minnie Cooper 35 Wife
Hollis Cooper 9 Son
Ray Cooper 6 Son
Charles Cooper 4 Son
1930 Census of St Louis MO
Household Members Age RelationshipJohn H Cooper 45 Head
Minnie Cooper 43 Wife
Hollis Cooper 19 Son
Ray Cooper 16 Son
Charles Cooper 14 Son
I am doubtful that this is the correct family. There seemed to have been two John H. Coopers with wives named Minnie. See this
Ancestry.com tree
4085 for a person whose child shares DNA with Clayton Heathcock Jr. Note that there is no Helen Cooper in the 1930 census above, when she would have been 6 years old.