Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameEd A. Taylor 
Birth6 Jul 1867, Kirby, Bexar Co TX
Death26 Jan 1950, Boswell OK Age: 82
Birth3 Apr 1889, Chickasaw OK
Death1 May 1974, Paris, Lamar Co TX Age: 85
Notes for Ed A. Taylor
Following from GG granddaughter:
Acacia Adair Ed is my gg.grandfather. He told his children that his father was Creed Taylor. My great grandma Leona and her sister Audrey researched for years and even went to a Taylor family reunion to see if they could find some information. From what the family knows Ed's mother died when he was very young and he was supposedly raised by his step mom. However, in my opinion, if Ed had ever lived with Creed as his father then I believe he would have shown up on lists of Creed Taylor's children and in census reports with him...but he does not. My theory is that Nancy Goodbread died in July of 1867 instead of the usual dated given of June '67...I believe she died because of or shortly after child birth and Creed had no means to care for a newborn and so someone else took in Ed and raised him. This is just a hunch. I have too many DNA connections to the Taylor, Goodbread lines back a few generations for it to NOT be my family line. And with the fact that Ed knew his father was Creed means that whomever he was raised by must have been honest with him...they could have given him their family name but didn't. This is all presumption and speculation. I'll keep searching!
Notes from Clayton Heathcock Jr., 4 December 2020: I descend from Philip Goodbread and Nancy Webb by a sound path. I also share 21 cM of DNA with Acacia Adair, so it is reasonable that she also has a genealogical connection to the Goodbreads. However, I am skeptical that Acacia’s 2g grandfather Ed. A. Adair was the son of Creed Taylor and Nancy Goodbread. There are just too many problems with this idea, which seems to be based heavily on a family tradition that Ed recited that Creed was his father. There is the problem with his reported birthdate, which is later than the generally accepted dates of death of Nancy Goodbread Taylor. There is also the fairly well documented fact that Creed and Nancy only had four children as evidenced by the 1850 and 1860 census, and that the youngest of these four children was born in 1846. Why would Nancy have had no more children for 20 years and then become pregnant again?
Another possibility is that Ed was the grandson of Creed Taylor, possibly the son (either legitimate or illigetimate) of one John Hays or Philip Goodbread Taylor, who would have been old enough to be Ed’s father. This would mean that Acacia Adair would still inherit both Taylor and Goodbread DNA.
Both John Hays Taylor and his brother Philip Goodbread Taylor were involved in the Taylor-Sutton feud and both died, John Hays in 1869 and Philip Goodbread Taylor in 1871.3963 It is not known if John Hays Taylor married and/or had children. Philip Goodbread Taylor did marry Elizabeth Stephens in Wilson County in October 1867, about three months after Ed A. Taylor’s birth. So it is possible that Phiip and Elizabeth were the parents of Ed A. Taylor. It isn’t known who raised Ed. A. Taylor and I have not been able to locate him in the 1870 or 1880 census. However, since Philip Goodbread Taylor was known as a “desperado”, if he and Elizabeth did have a child it is possible that she was on the run and did not make herself available to census taker in 1870. It is also not unlikely that the child may have known of his famous grandfather and possibly passed on stories to his children and grandchildren that he was the son, not the grandson, of Creed Taylor.