Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameBernice Hunt
, 2C2R
Birth18 Dec 1875, Gibson Co TN
Death4 Jul 1939, Gibson Co TN Age: 63
Birth3 Sep 1881, TN
Death10 Jul 1967, Gibson Co TN Age: 85
Notes for Bernice Hunt
Birthdate questionable as it is only 9 months after birthdate of brother.
Notes for Joseph Edward (Spouse 1)
1920 Census of Gibson Co TN
Name Age
Joseph E Morris 38
Burnice Morris 44
Robt H Morris 15
Evelyn C Morris 10
John E Morris 8
Guy F Morris 2
Joe E. Morris3797 GIBSON, Tenn. Joe E Morris, 85, retired farmer, died early today at his home in Gibson after a long illness.
Services will be at 3 p. m. Thursday at Gibson Baptist churcn witn tne Rev. Mayo Mansfield officiating. Burial will be in White Rose Cemetery in Gibson with Replogle Funeral Home in charge.
Surviving are three sons, Dr. Robert H. Morris of Medina, John Morris of Union City and Guy Morris of Gibson; a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Mincey of Jackson; a half-sister, Mrs. Mildred Morris of Dallas; nine grandchildren and nine greatgrandchildren.