NameOran Iverson Brown

Birth1 May 1892, TX
Death1 Dec 1918, Hardemann Co TX Age: 26
Birth12 Jan 1893, TX
Death30 Nov 1918, Hardeman Co TX Age: 25
Notes for Oran Iverson Brown
Wellington Leader December 6, 1918
One of the most unusual things happening in the annals of the city was the funeral of a man and his wife here last Sunday. Mrs. Buck Brown died at Hulian in Childress county at 12 o'clock (noon) last Saturday. Arrangements were made for the hearse to go from here and bring the body to Wellington for burial, and by the time the hearse reached Hulian Mr. Brown was also dead, having succumbed to influenza and passed away at 5 o'clock, so they were both brought here and services held at the Nazarene church at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and interment was made in the city cemetery in a double grave.
Mr. Brown and his family lived in Wellington for several years and were at Hulian only for a short stay when they took sick and died. Two children were left orphans and a host of relatives and friends were saddened by these untimely deaths.
Notes for Pearl (Spouse 1)
See note on husband’s page. Both of they died within a day, probably of the Spanish Flu.