Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameJames Thomas McDowell 
Marriage23 Aug 1969, Nashville TN3534
Notes for James Thomas McDowell
Hathcock Vows Said DOTHAN, Ala. - Miss Claudia Jay Hatchcock and Lt. James Thomas McDowell were married Aug. 23 at Grace Bible Church with William F. Bailey officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Robert Earl Hall and Sam J. Hathcock Jr. and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. James W. McDowell of Long Beach, Calif., and the late Mr. McDowell. MR. HATHCOCK gave his daughter in marriage. She was attended by Mrs. William F. Bailey, matron of honor, and Miss Judy Cox and Miss Gail Maile Chagnon, bridesmaids. Edna Martha Hall was flower girl. The father of the bride served as best man. The bride attended Misses Howards' Girls School and George C. Wallace Junior College. She is the granddaughter of Mrs. Sam J. Hathcock of Lebanon and the late Mr. Hathcock and Mrs. Maude M. Waugh of Dallas and the late Claude W. Waugh. The bridegroom attended Marion Military Academy and the University of California. He is in graduate officers training in Quantico, Va., where the couple is living. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDowell of Elba, Ala.
3534Note by Clayton Heathcock, 11 March 2017: The relationships in this newspaper report are at first sight confusing. My interpretation is that Sam J. Hathcock Jr. and Martha A. Waugh, parents of Claudia J., must have divorced and Martha married Robert Earl Hall.
Notes for Claudia Jay (Spouse 1)
C. W. Waughs Have Granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Hathcock of Lebanon, Tennessee announce the birth of a baby daughter. Claudia Jay, on December 21 [1948]. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Waugh of Taylor are the baby’s maternal grandparents and Mrs. Hathcock is the former Martha Waugh of Taylor.