Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameHonour Coleman
821, 6G Grandmother
Birthca 1681, Prince George Co VA
Death1759, Brunswick Co VA Age: 78
Birth4 Jul 1666, Charles City Co VA
Deathca 1759, Brunswick Co VA Age: 92
Notes for Richard (Spouse 1)
As early as 1712 there was a survey for Richard followed by patents to Richard in the same location in Prince George County as the original grants to Francis and John Ledbetter.
822 Richard, on 2 Feb 1724, was the first Ledbetter who acquired land in the then pioneer County of Brunswick. Richard owned the most land, followed in order by William and Henry Ledbetter. Richard was appointed Constable in Brunswick County in 1738 and overseer in 1739. In 1748 Richard and his son Richard were listed on the roll of voters in Brunswick Co.