Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameRebecca Richardson

Birth1866, England
Death1934 Age: 68
Birth9 Jun 1857, Stonehouse, Lanark, Scotland
Birth3 Dec 1857, Scotland
Death13 Jun 1934, Buffalo, Erie Co NY2883,2884 Age: 77
Notes for Rebecca Richardson
1881 Scotland Census, Dalziel, Lanarkshire, Scotland (88 Shieldmuir English Buildings)
Name AgeElisha Richardson 42
Sarah Ann Richardson 41
Alfred Richardson 18
John Thomas Richardson 16
Elijah Richardson 14
Rebecca Richardson 12Walter Richardson 8
Jesse Richardson 6
Charles Richardson 2
Henry Richardson 6 Mons
Rebecca Thompson and childeren arrived at Ellis Island, NY, on the ship Columbia from Glasgow on October 14, 1914.
2886Rebecca Thompson age 50 and children
Emily age 17.
Rebecca age 11.
Jessie age 10.
Alexander age 23.
They came from Motherwell, Scotland (67 Abbottsford Lane) and the name of the nearest relative or friend in the US was John Thompson. They were headed for Buffalo.
Notes for John (Spouse 1)
1881 Census of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland (8 Albyn Terrace)
Name Age
John Thomson 24
Grocer & Provision Mercht.Jane Thomson 21
Janet Thomson 8 Mo
Janet Robertson 11
1891 Census of Dalziel, Lanarkshire Co Scotland (Ladywell Rd)
Name Age
John Thomson 33
Rebecca Thomson 32
Janet Thomson 11
James Thomson 9
John Thomson 3
Sarah Thomson 1
Alexr Thomson Under 1 Mo
Jessie Richardson 16 sister-in-law
1901 Census of Motherwell, Lanarkshire Co Scotland
Name AgeJohn Thomson 42
Rebecca Thomson 35
John Thomson 13
Sarah Thomson 11
Alexander Thomson 10*
Robina Thomson 8
George Thomson 6
Emely Thomson 4
Jane Thomson 2
Hugh Thomson 1
*(recorded as 40 on
Ancestry.com, but also as son of John Thompson)
John Thomson and four of his children arrived at Ellis Island from Glasgow on the ship Tuscania on April 10, 1915. They were bound for his sister Robina Brown in Buffalo.
John Thomson, age 58
Janie Thomson, age 16
Hugh Thomson, age 11
Minnie Thomson, age 8
Barbara Thomson, age 6
1915 New York State Census for Buffalo, Erie Co NY
Name AgeJohn Thomson 58
Rebecca Thomson 50
John Thomson 27
Alexander Thomson 23
Robina Thomson 22
George Thomson 19
Emily Thomson 18
Hugh Thomson 16
Rebecca Thomson 13
Jessie Thomson 11
Minnie Thomson 8
Barbara Thomson 6
Thomas G Monahan 29
1920 Census of Buffalo, Erie Co NY
Name AgeRebecca Thompson 43 head and age misrecorded
George Thompson 23
Emma Thompson 22
Hugh Thompson 20
Rebecca Thompson 18
Jessie Thompson 16
Minnie Thompson 14
Robert Thompson 13
John Thompson 64 husband
1925 Census of New York State Census for Buffalo, Erie Co NY
Name AgeJohn Thomson 66
Rebecca Thomson 58
Barbera Thomson 19
Hugh B Thomson 25
1930 Census of Buffalo, Erie Co NY
Name AgeJohn Thompson 72 night watchman in shipyard, immigration year 1915
Rebecca Thompson 63 immigration year 1914