Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameEliza Jane Chesterman 
Birth3 Feb 1869, Greenwich, Kent, England2845
Notes for Eliza Jane Chesterman
In the 1881 England census, Eliza Chesterman was enumerated in the Village Home for Orphan Neglect & Destitute Girls.
No further record of Eliza Jane in Canada has been found to this date (28 August 2011).
On 10 September 2014, researcher Alistair Tickett was informed by Bernardo’s “Believe in Children” that Eliza Chesterman was admitted to Barnardo’s in 1876, aged 8 years. The records apparently do not show when she left care but they confirmed that Barnardo’s did not emigrate her to Canada. The letter stated that Eliza had a little sister named Maggie and that her father (unnamed) died on 31st December 1874.