Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameJane Hill 
Deathca 1845, Adams Co IL
Birth16 Nov 1816, Fayette Co PA
Death2 Jun 1898, Cherryvalle, Montgomery Co KS2820 Age: 81
Marriage26 Mar 1838, Warren Co OH2820
Notes for Josiah (Spouse 1)
For a history of Dr. Josiah Coleman, see the page “Coleman’s Family History Notes” on Facebook.
2820 According to this detailed account: “Dr. Josiah Coleman was described to be 6 ft. tall, Dark Complexion, Black Hair, & Hazel Eyes. He was the "raw boned type" meaning lean and slim. He was married 3 times. 3rd wife was a bigamist & a "gold-digger" Breaking many hearts along the way. He had 22 or 23 children and lived to be 82 years old.”
1860 Census of Nodaway, Nodaway Co MO
Name AgeJosiah Coleman 42 PA physician
Martha Coleman 39 OH
John Coleman 18 IL
Robertson Coleman 16 IL
James Coleman 14 IL
Asa Coleman 12 IL
Marcus Coleman 10 IL
Caroline Coleman 8 IL
Louisa Coleman 5 IL
Martha Coleman 2 MO
Mary Coleman 2 MO
1870 Census of Union, Nodaway Co MO
Name AgeJosiah Coleman 51 farmer
Martha Coleman 41
Mark Coleman 21
Louisa Coleman 14
Mary Jane Coleman 12
Martha Julia Coleman12
Josiah Coleman 9
William R Coleman 7
Charley Coleman 5
Clarisa Coleman 1