NameAlfred Wayne Smith 
Birth29 Sep 1940, Senath, Dunklin Co MO Age: 81
Notes for Alfred Wayne Smith
I was Born on September 29, 1940. In Senath Missouri. My original birth certificate says Alfred Junior Parish.
in October 30 1940 my mother married Marion E Smith and my birth certificate was changed to Alfred Wayne Smith. My mother never knew years later I found the original when I was about 12. And the state of Missouri all they did was cross out Junior Parish and added Wayne Smith. In 1955 she filed for a new one and all it said was Alfred Wayne Smith. I found it when I join the army in 1958. I then took the original and hide it. In 1946 she divorced Marion Smith. Found out in 1973 that was not his name. He was supposed to be born Smith because his mother got pregnant by Wilford Smith but she married to Zechariah Kelly. He went into the Army. Got married and had 2 children (I was already born) as a Smith. In 73 found out he was a Kelly.
My mother married Byron Fulk in 1953. And Died on Mothers day 1994. Still would not talk to me about my birth.
The case that Alfred Smith (current name) is the son of Alfred Wheeler Heathcock is circumstantial, but relatively compelling:
1. Alfred Smith’s Y-chromosome DNA signature is a 100% match for the Heathcock family haplotype, so his father must have also carried this DNA.
2. Alfred was told by his Uncle Ray the names of the men that his mother dated before he was born; one of these was named Alfred.
3. The Heathcock family home in Virginia, Pemiscot Co MO was only 18 miles away from Senath, MO, where Alfred Smith was born, so there was an opportunity for Alfred Wheeler Heathcock to have encountered and known Juanita Parish.
4. Alfred Smith was first named “Alfred Junior Parish”, suggesting that his unwed mother had named him after his father.
The following was sent by Alfred Smith to Clayton Heathcock on 16 August 2009:
I believe we are coming to and end. We are completing something I have been searching for 40 years.
My mother was born on Monette AR just west of Leachville AR. In the late 1930 my grandfather George Parish worked for the Mc Masters farming corporation. He sharecrop land around Honey Dew Creek that was on the Missouri side. and for a time around Senath at Baucodye MO. (town no longer stands )
My grandmother Victoria Parish died in 1935.So it was just him and the kids on the farm . He did have a interest in another women but the kids chased her a way.Now as you said Pemisot County was close. I think George works some there. And I know My mom also went to Blytheville AR and attended the Dances at the Air Base. And my aunt Novella (moms oldest sister ) talk a lot about going to Caruth and other place in Pemiscot County.So as the saying goes. We are in the same place at the same time. I remember some of the life there as I stayed with my aunt Ivy (moms youngest sister) and Uncle Henry Taylor. I believe she married Marion Smith to give me a name.
The way I look at it was Alf must have worked at times with my grandfather and he got to know my mother.In those days older men went with and married very young woman. Now what the reason he could not are would not marry her is unknown. Heathcock was a name that never crossed my search. One of my thoughs was that there was a dance in the town streets for Xmas or new year or at one of the nearby farms around 12/1939 or 01/01/1940. I seen many of them when I lived there. And things got out of hand. Now every person that knew my mother has said they can never recall anytime of my mother ever taking a drink. Now Alf had to be someone my mother knew and her father, and they worked often together .After my birth my mother stayed at the farm for awhile. I been told that my grandfather held me when I was born for three days because my fever and the doctor did not give me much chance of coming out of it. When I was born it was in a garage that had a bed where my mother stayed in Senath. My greataunt Jewell said my mother left the farm and never went back. She lived at the farm and did not know that I was not Marion Smith boy. She told no one. None of her sisters knew and her brother Ray. If it was rape I do not think she would have keep me and gone through all the problems she endured from everyone. And name me Alfred Junior Parish on the first birth certificate and Alfred Wayne Smith on the second. Now my Uncle Ray supplied a lot of info to me about who she dated. He mentions Alfred several times But he thought of Alfred Clinton from Caruth in Pemiscot Co, I met him when I was about 11 and again in 1973 just before he died. And he could not tell me. My Uncle Ray had told my mother several time to tell me but she would not. Now her second husband was very jealous. Amos Byron Fulk married her in 1953. And in 1992 she admitted that Marion was not my father when we were alone and I was to never tell Bryon. For he had a temper and as far has he knew Marion was the father of all three children. She would never tell me how my names were chosin. If I could have been at her bed side when she died in 1994 I think she may have talked.
Marion Smith was no good. In jail and prison a lot. In 1946 she divorced him. she moved to Indiana to work and I stayed at my Aunt Ivy and Uncle Henrys in Buacody MO. (next to Senath). In 1947 she came a got me and took me to Indiana. Well how does that sound. Alfred