Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameJohn Hathcock
, 3C5R
Notes for John Hathcock
In 1795, a Deed of Gift is found in the Fairfield County, South Carolina court records indicating that Thomas Hathcock (Jr. ) was a shoe maker who lived on the "Old Muster Grounds ...
[Note 3] Thomas Hathcock in this deed
gave his son John Heathcock all of his household goods and shoemaker tools. In 1785, a John Heathcock of Fairfield County is found in the court records.
[Note 4]533Note 3. The Old Muster Ground is found on an old map of Fairfield County, as a place where the militia practiced drill two or three miles due south of Winnsboro, the County Seat (source: Maps, South Carolina Archives, Columbia).
Note 4. In Northampton County, North Carolina, in 1778, a William Cato conveyed land to John Haithcock and in Fairfield County, South Carolina, in 1798, one William Cato witnessed a Bill of Sale of John Haithcock.