NameNarcissa Huff
299, 1C4R
Marriage15 Jul 1869, Iron Co MO2155
Notes for Narcissa Huff
There are different reported birthdates for Narcissa. In Eileen Bone’s account she was born in 1844.
2155. This agrees with the age recorded for her (16) in the 1860 census. In the 1880 census she was recorded as being 33, which woukld make her birth year 1847, and in the 1900 census her birth date was recorded as May 1847. In one apparently credible family tree
2156 her birthdate is given as exactly 10 May 1846. I am inclined to belive that the actual date was 1844, possibly even 10 May 1844, based on the fact that she was married on 15 July 1869.
1826 It is unlikely that she would have been married at 12 or 13 years of age.
Notes for Dillard (Spouse 1)
1880 Census of Howell, Howell Co MO
Household Members Age Relationship
Dillard Turley 38 Self (Head)
Narcissis Turley 33 Wife
Willenia Turley 7 Son
George Turley 6 Son
Rosa Turley 5 Daughter
Almeda Turley 11/12 Daughter
1900 Census of Howell, Howell Co MO
Household Members Age Relationship
Dillard M Turley 58 Head
Narcissus Turley 53 Wife
Willina P Turley 27 Son
Rosale Turley 25 Daughter
Dillard M Turley 17 Son
Minnie Turley 14 Daughter
Sarah Turley 11 Daughter