NameNancy Roberts 
Birth1844, KY
Birth1834, GA
Deathbef 1900, AR Age: 66
Marriage18 Aug 1881, Cross Co AR1034,1032
Notes for Nancy Roberts
Accoding to Cross Co AR marriage records, Cicero Harris married Nancy Roberts in August 1881. There were three women named Nancy Roberts in the 1880 census of Smith AR:
1. Nancy Roberts, widow aged 36 with three young daughters and a cousin
2. Nancy Roberts, aged 16, daughter of Nathaniel and Jinnie Roberts
3. Nancy C. Roberts, aged 52, wife of D. W. Roberts
It is likely that Cicero married the widow Nancy Roberts. It is more likely that a disabled 45-year old man would have married a 36-year old widow than a 21-year old woman. Following is the census record for the Nancy Roberts who probably married Cicero Harris in 1881:
1880 Census of Smith, Cross Co AR:
Name AgeNancy Roberts 36 self KY TN VA
Jennie Roberts 14 dau AR TN KY
Sallie Roberts 10 dau AR TN KY
Fannie Roberts 8 dau AR TN KY
Thomas Draffen 25 cousin KY KY KY
[adjacent listing]
John Draffen 23 self KY KY KY
The two Draffen men were the sons of John (or James) Draffen of Staton, of Marshall Co KY. The elder John (or James) Draffen seems to have had three wives and the mother of Thomas and John Draffen was either the first or second, but not the Sarah Draffen of the 1870 and 1880 census, since their father did not marry her until 1868 (see below) :
1850 Census of Marshall Co KY
Name AgeJohn T. Draffen 22
Elizabeth Draffen 25
William Draffen 2
Sarah A. Draffen 1/12
1860 Census of Marshall Co KY
Name AgeJ T Draffen 43
P Draffen 32 [possibly a widow Satterfield, see 13-year old female in family]
W Draffen 11
E Draffen 8
J T Draffen 5
J Draffen 3C C Draffen 6.12
N J Satterfield 13
[Two listings away from Draffen listing}
M R Staton 35 m
S Staton 30 f
E A Staton 11 f
C D Staton 14 m
M Staton 2 f
M. R. Stanton seems to have died in about 1868. Likewise, the wife of James T. Draffen seems to have died about the same time. On 10 Nov 1868, the widowed James T. Draffen married his neighbor, the widow Mrs. Sarah A. Staten in Marshall Co KY.
9351870 Census of Staton, Marshall Co KY
Name AgeJas T Draffen 53
Sarah Draffen 37
Thos Draffen 15
John Draffen 12Caroline Draffen 10
Allen A Draffen 8
Mary A Staton 13 [daughter of M. R. and Sarah H. Stanton, see 1860 census]
Miles C Staton 8 [son of M. R. and Sarah H. Stanton]
James and Sarah still lived in Staton with their daughter Dora at the time of the 1900 census. Sarah reported that she had been the mother of eight children and three were still living in 1900.
Notes for Cicero (Spouse 1)
Cicero and his two brothers Felix and Joel all mustered into the same Company of the Mississippi Volunteers in the Civil War. Following is research by Marvin Harris:
I have several items of interest regarding Cicero, including his muster cards for his service in the CSA. The following is what I wrote about him in the notes section of FTM:
When two of his brothers left the farm to fight in the Confederate Army, Cicero joined them in the adventure, enlisting with brothers Felix and Joel on May 14, 1862, at Granada, Mississippi. All three brothers became privates in Captain R. W. Locke's company, later named Company D of the 42nd Mississippi Volunteers. It appears, however, that Cicero was not healthy enough to endure the rigorous activity of a Confederate soldier, for almost immediately he was assigned duty as a nurse in the hospital. His health deteriorated under the arduous soldier's life, so much so that he entered the General Hospital (Mississippi Soldiers Hospital) at Camp Winder in Richmond, Virginia, on July 9, 1863, suffering from phthisis pulmonalis (tuberculosis) and a burned left hand, which had to be amputated. Since he more than likely continued his duties as a hospital nurse and never fought in battles, the burn was likely from an accident rather than a battle injury. After a stay of nine days in the hospital, he was discharged from the army with the notation on his "Certificate of Disability for Discharge": "loss of left hand from burn & phthisis pulmonalis. He is very much emaciated."
1870 Census of Smith, Cross Co AR, Post Office Wittsburg:
Dwelling #173; Family # 242
Name Age
W M Harris 69 m w b GA farmer
L T Harris 38 f w b NC keeping house
C L Harris 4 m w b AR
M H Harris 1 f w b AR
Dwelling #173; Family # 243
Lusk, L. L. 27 f w b GA (Lusk is written over Harris)
Dwelling #173; Family # 244
Louis, M. A. 42 f w b NC
Dwelling #173; Family # 245
Harris, T. E. 40 m w b GA farm labor [This is presumably Tyree Edward Harris]
Dwelling #173; Family # 246
Harris, C. 34 m w b GA farm labor
1880 Census of Smith, Cross Co AR:
Name Age
Edward Harris 51 head GA GA GA
Cicero Harris 44 brother GA GA GA
Mary H. Harris 11 sister AR GA NC
[Mary H. Harris was daughter of William M. Harris Sr. by his second wife, Lee Fraiser, both of whom must have died by this time.]
Notes for Cicero (Spouse 1)
There was another Cicero F. Harris in Arkansas at the same time, also listed in the 1870 and later census records in Arkansas and Oklahoma. This was definitely a different person from the Cicero Harris who lived in Cross Co AR in 1870 and 1880.
1870 Census of Black River, Independence Co AR
Name Age
Cicero Harris 30 GA
Elizabeth Harris 21 AR
Mary Harris 2 AR
1880 Census of Scott Twnshp, Sharp Co AR
Name Age
Cicero F. Harris 39
Elizabeth Harris 29 wife
Mary Harris 12 dau
Wm. G. Harris 9 son
Franklin Harris 3 son
Ella Harris 9M dau
Mary J. Daniels 18 (living as one of family)
James Pinkston 21 (can’t make out)*
Robert Bain 18 hireling
George Harris 12 nephew
*Pinkston family living next door
Elizabeth apparently died and Cicero remarried Vandora. According to the 1900 census record (below), which is very faint, Cicero and Vannie had been married 16 years, which means they married in 1884. So probably Elizabeth died in 1881-1884. In the 1900 census, Vannie was reported to be the mother of one child, still living, so this was presumably Alonzo Hessie Harris, who was 15 in 1900.
1900 Census of Scott Twnshp, Sharp Co AR
Name Age
Cicero Harris 59 head
Vannie Harris 58 wife
Ella Harris 20 dau [this is the Ella, dau of 1st wife Elizabeth]
Hessie Harris 15 son
Charlie Bruce 27 boarder
1910 Census of Hickory, Love Co OK
Name Age
Cicero F Harris 69 head m w m26 GA NC NC
Vandora L Harris 48 wife f w m26 AR VA AL
Alonzo E Harris 25 son m w s AR GA AR [this is Hesse of the 1900 census]
Name Age
William G Harris 38 head m w m18 AR GA AR [son of first wife of Cicero Harris?]
Laura A Harris 34 wife f w m18 AR AR AR
Gracie N Harris 16 dau f w s AR AR AR
H Clay Williams 16 hired hand