Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameNewton Alexander Hood 
Deathca 1918, Haywood Co TN
Birthca 1840, Haywood Co TN
Deathbef 1900 Age: 60
Notes for Mary Frances (Spouse 1)
MARY FRANCES HATHCOCK (Ancestor of Marjorie Fischer)
108Mary Frances Hathcock, called Frances, was the second child of Peyton and Ann Newman Hathcock. She was born about 1840 in Haywood county, Tennessee. On 10 March 1858 she was married to Newton Alexander Hood, son of Anthony and Sarah Patterson Mann Hood. The Hood and Mann families were from Amelia County, Virginia and had settled in Haywood county, Tennessee in the early 1830's. The date of Mary Frances' death is not known, but she died before 1900. Her husband served in the Civil War and died in Haywood county about 1918. They had three children, William Anthony Hood, Sally Ann Hood and Lue Ellen Wilson Hood.