NameMartha Almand 
Birth3 Apr 1805, Elbert Co GA
Death20 Oct 1883, Chambers Co AL Age: 78
Birth1802, Clarke Co GA
Deathaft 1880, Chambers Co AL Age: 78
Marriage11 Jun 1824, Newton Co GA1898
Notes for Thomas Melton (Spouse 1)
1850 Census of Chambers Co AL
Household Members Age
Thomas Harris 48
Martha M Harris 45
Frances M Harris 25
Susan Harris 16
Jane Harris 15
Milton J Harris 13
Julia A Harris 8
Charles Harris 6
Georgia A Harris 4
Sophronia A Harris 1
Sophia A Harris 1
1860 Census of Chambers Co AL
Household Members Age
Thomas Harris 58
Martha Harris 56
Frances Harris 35
Thomas Harris 21
Charles Harris 17
Georgia A Harris 15
Sophronia A Harris 12
Sophia H Harris 12
1870 Census of Chambers Co AL
Household Members Age
Thomas Harris 67
Martha Harris 65
Sophia Harris 21
Notes for Thomas Melton (Spouse 1)
Alabama Bound; “Thomas M. Harris & Martha Almand” Eds. Debra Buster & Nedra Chandler
The Road to East Texas Apr- Jun 19991116
The land lotteries and grants in early Georgia offered new opportunities to David Harriss Sr. and his sons, John, William D., David Jr., Tyre, and Isham. So, the issuance of land grants to settle the new territory of Alabama known as Chambers County, offered new opportunities to Isham Harriss's son, Thomas M. Harris. Whether it was the lingering lure of a gold rush in east-central Alabama in 1835-36, or land grants for service in the Creek Indian discords, Thomas M. Harris left Newton County GA, around 1847 to settle in the northwest area of Chambers County, Alabama, known as Sandy Creek, between Penton and Milltown. Thomas M. Harris like his father and father before him proved to be among America's true pioneering families, speculating on the risks and rewards of new opportunities.
Thomas was born in 1802 in Clarke County Georgia to Isham Harriss and Mary Lansford. He married Martha Almand on 11 Jun 1824 in Newton County, GA. Martha was born 3 Apr 1805 in Elbert County, GA. Her father, Thomas Almand, had come from North Carolina. Thomas M. Harris was a farmer, acquiring several sections of land through the years. He and Martha had a large family: Frances M. Harris born about 1825; Jackson Harris born 1827, married a Nancy Ann; Isham David born 23 Jul 1828, married Julia Elizabeth King Megginson; Nancy born 18 Oct 1829; Mary Ann (Polly) born 1 Feb 1831, married Hector Megginson (brother of Julia Megginson); Sarah E. born 24 Feb 1832, married David Blackston; Susannah born 10 Aug 1833; Martha Jane born 12 Mar 1835, married 1st, Nathaniel David Seay, 2nd to Thomas Jefferson Thompson; John Henry born 29 Dec 1836; Milton Thomas born 16 Sep 1838, married Catherine Crosby/Causey; Julia Ann born 16 Sep 1841, married Elbert Harris; Charles Campbell born in September 1843, married Susan Sorrels; Georgia Ann born about 1845; and twins named Sophronia and Sophie born 14 Jul 1848. Several of Thomas M. and Martha Harris's grandchildren would follow in their path of true pioneer spirit, new opportunities in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, west to California, and Oregon.
As the Confederate enthusiasm grew amidst its new capital in 1861, there was a rush to join the Confederate Army and Thomas M. Harris's sons and son-in-law joined the ranks. The Harris's certainly had demonstrated their patriotic spirit. Ted McClellan and Rea Clarke have compiled the record of the military experience of Milton Thomas Harris, Isham David Harris and Charles Campbell Harris. Milton and Isham joined the 14th Regiment of Alabama Volunteers; Company D under the command of Captain James A. Broome of Troup GA. They enlisted as Privates on 26 July 1861. Milton was twenty-two. Serving with Pryor's 5th Brigade during encounters near Richmond he was listed as a casualty on 11 July 1862. His pension application in 1887 stated "discharged from duty" with injury to his right arm and hip at Frazier's Farm. However, he received a 60-day furlough on 22 Sep 1862. He evidently served several times throughout the war, taking time out to marry Catherine Crosby/Causey on 19 Feb 1863. Ted's notes indicate, 'he was assigned hospital duty as a nurse and teamster and was listed on the list of prisoners surrendered at Appomatox'.
Charles Campbell Harris enlisted under Corporal Briskey, 3 March 1862 at Milltown. He was wounded twice; admitted to Howard's Grove Hospital 29 June 1862 for injury to his left foot and again 6 Sep 1864. He also surrendered at Appomattox , 9 April 1865.
Isham David Harris was thirty-three when he enlisted. In some Confederate records he is listed as J. D. Harris and there are references of a J. D. Harris on the the muster rolls of company B,D, and C. In Rea Clarke's family the folk history was that Isham went off to war and never returned. Isham's granddaughter Arrie Harris wrote in a letter to her nieces, Verna Parker Varnell and Nora "Willie Mae" Forbes, that he was "killed in the war of the North and South. The last letter came after the "big battle" (Gettysburg). Ted McClellan's research found that he went forward with Wilcox's brigade in Pickett's Charge on the third day of the Gettysburg Campaign. He was listed as "absent-missing in action 3 July 1863". He survived the Gettysburg campaign and spent 3 months at the largest Union POW camp, Point Lookout, Maryland. Union records indicated that Isham was hospitalized and died 07 Nov 1863. He went with Pickett's Charge on the 3 July 1863 at Gettysburg with 12,000 men across the open fields already covered in Confederate soldiers from initial charge on Cemetery Ridge toward Federal lines. According to some historians, only one Confederate soldier in three would make it to safety, the Battle of Gettysburg was over. Some 27,000 casualties occurred, men killed in action, wounded, captured and missing in action during the three days of the Gettysburg Campaign. Many Confederate dead were returned to Southern States for re-internment after the War. Isham's burial location is unknown.
Evidently, his widow, Julia Megginson Harris had some difficulty securing his military pension. The 1899 Widow's Pension application simply stated "suppose to have been killed 1864". However, Julia Elizabeth Harris applied for Civil War Widow's Pension on Isham David Harris in years 1887, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1907. All the applications show Isham David Harris as a private in Company D. of the 14th Alabama Volunteers except her 1894 application which indicated Company A. Julia's Pension application was repeatedly denied based on Board of Examiners, RJ Moore and WD Gaines MD (aExaminer) statement, "Upon examination of the applicationof Mrs Julia Harris, we find the statements set forth or partly true, but, we further find that she is now living with her son who is in good circumstances and we think amply able to give her a comfortabe support. Therefore we do not recommend that her name be placed on the Pension rolls. This June 9th 1899".
The death of Isham David Harris left Julia Megginson, a young widow with five children. Isham and Julia's children included twins, Julia and Nancy A. Harris born 10 Mar 1852. Nancy married James F. Johnson. Then, Martha was born about 1855; Isham/Isom was born 04 Jun 1858, he married Annie Turnham 23 Nov 1879. And, Joel C. Harris born 30 Jan 1856. Julia lived between her brother and sister-in-law, Hector and "Polly" (Harris) Megginson. and her father-in-law Thomas M. Harris.
Julia Elizabeth King Megginson was the daughter of Samuel Megginson and Catherine Mask. She was born 16 Sep 1823. They came to Alabama from North Carolina around 1835; both the Megginson and Mask families have early roots in Chambers County.
Ted McClellan descends from Martha Jane Harris and Thomas Jefferson Thompson through their son Andrew Thompson. Andrew Thompson and Ora Ray were his grandparents. Ted's family migrated on to the Far West coast. Ted's compilation of family research has been the backbone for much of our family's research. His research efforts are recorded at the Chattahoochee Valley Historical Society.
Rea Clarke descends from Isham David Harris and Julia Megginson through their daughter Nancy Ann Harris and James F. Johnson. Rea's family has steadfastly remained in Alabama for generations. His dedication to Civil War research has given great value to my own. Rea visited the battlefield at Gettysburg, walked the route of the 14th Alabama Infantry, contemplating the images of General Lee's order for Wilcox's Brigade to defend Pickett's advance toward Cemetery Ridge in the thirteenth hour of July 3, 1863.
I descend from Isham David Harris and Julia Megginson through their son Joel C. Harris and Paulena Elizabeth Moore. Joel and Paulena's story is much like that of his grandparents, Thomas M. and Martha Harris, with true pioneer spirit, searching for new beginnings in a unsettled wilderness. Of course, Joel and Paulena were not alone in the rush to Texas that spirited the cry, Gone to Texas.
Other family members and cousins lured to Texas included the names: Hill, Daniel, Megginson, Robinson, Hodnett, Johnson and Hammock. One cousin, Tom Robinson, settled in Troup, Texas before 1919. Another cousin John William Megginson and Missouri (Sims) moved to Texas about 1883. He was the son of Hector Megginson and Mary 'Polly" Ann Harris. They settled in Omaha, Morris County, and Texas. Missouri's great niece, Gladys Phillips, recounted the very sad story of Missouri Sims waving goodbye to her family in Shiloh, for the last time. At the top of a hill about half way to Penton , Missouri had the driver stop the wagon, she stood and turned, with her face toward Shiloh, she said "goodbye Mother, goodbye Father and all my people, I will never see you again." She sat down and they drove on to catch the train at West Point. She never saw her family again. She died in Omaha on 02 Apr 1891. Her son, John Hiram Megginson placed a large stone on her grave and marked it simply, Mama. Many others followed their cousins to Texas, after all it was Texas, but many that came found that Texas meadows were not always greener. Some established very permanent roots, and others returned to Alabama or moved further west.