NameAlexander James Faris
, 6G Grandfather
Birthca 1698, Antrim, Ireland
Death1785, Pencader Hundred, New Castle Co DE Age: 87
BurialPencader Cemetery, Glasgow, New Castle Co DE1884
Notes for Alexander James Faris
New Castle County, Delaware Wills, 1682-1800
Name: Allexander Faries
Will Loc: Pen. Hd.
Will Made Date: 12 Sep 1783
Will Probate Date: 19 Aug 1785
Will Book: M
Page: 145
Comment: Sons, John, James, Samuel, William, Robert and Alexander; dau., Jennet McMurphey; grandson, Allexander, son of William. Exc. 3rd son, Samuel.
Last Will and Testament of Alexander Farres (Faries)
County of New Castle, Delaeware
Dated September 12, 1783
In the name of God, Amen I, Allexander Farres of Pencader Hundred and County of New Castle in the state of Delaware, being weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory, Blessed by God for all His mercies Do this Leventh day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-three make this my Last Will and Testament in the manner following viz:
First I recommend my mortal body to the Dust from whence it was taken to be decently Inteared at the discression of my Friends and Excecutors in full assurance to receive the same at the general resurrection of my soul to God who gave it, and as to what wordly estate as it has pleased God to give me, I will and disperse of following---
Viz: Impremis I give and bequeat to my well beloved son, Samuel Faries all my real and personal estate, he my said son paying Inst. debts, funeral charges and the following legalcies Viz: To my beloved daughter, Jenneta McMurphrey the just sum of one pound ten shillings. To my beloved son, John the like sum of one pound ten shillings. To my beloved son, James the sum of one pound ten shillings. To my beloved son, William the sum of twenty pounds To my beloved grandson, Alexander, son of William, one two year old heifer. To my beloved son, Robert the sum of one pound ten shillings. To my beloved son, Allexander the sum of twenty pounds. The above Legacies to be paid To my daughter and sons above mentioned at the expiration of one year after my Decease by my said son, Samuel whom I constitute and appoint sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament--In trust for the interest and purposes in this my Will contained and witnessed Thereof, I Allexander Farres, have to this my Last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal the day and year above written, signed and sealed, pronounced and delivered in the presence of us............
For Alexander, the son of William, was entered before the signing.
A couple of unreadable lines.
Isaac Lewis
Allexander {His Seal} Farres
William Faries
Joel Evans
Notes for Alexander James Faris
From Dan Troublefield to Farris Mailing List; 9 Dec 2005
Hello all who descend from James Faries, Robert Faries, and Alexander Faries of York County, South Carolina. These three men, their wives and children, came down from Delaware to the Carolinas in the 1760's (and 1770's in the case of my Alexander).
There has been some confusion over the census and other records showing certain members of this family born in "Pennsylvania."
One interesting tidbit of information found is that the "Three Lower Counties of Pennsylvania upon Delaware" as the colony of Delaware was then known did not officially break away from the colony of Pennsylvania as early as has been thought. These lower counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex did act semi-independently of Pennsylvania before the War. However, it was following the Declaration of Independence that they broke away and formed the State of Delaware.