Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameJohn K. Lay
, 2C3R
Birth20 Oct 1847, Pulaski Co KY1424
Death15 Jul 1926, Shelby City, KY Age: 78
Death22 Jul 19301423 Age: 79
Marriage22 Apr 1869, Pulaski Co KY935
Notes for John K. Lay
1880 Census of Boyle KY
Name Age
Kendrick Lay 28
Rhoda Lay 29
Bettie Lay 9
Barney Lay 8
Luisa Lay 5
William Lay 2
Robert Lay 9/12
1900 Census of Stanford, Lincioln Co KY
Name Age
J K Lay 52
Rody C Lay 39
William H Lay 23
Lou Eva Lay 25
Robt R Lay 20
Maggie K Lay 18
Gertrude E Lay 13
Bertha L Lay 10
Hattie Victoria Lay 8
LAY1425 Mr. Kendrick Lay, aged 79 years, died at his home near Shelby City yesterday. He suffered a stroke ot paralysis. The burial will be in the Junction City cemetery, tomorrow, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.