NameMary Ann Bartlett
Birth25 Jun 1874, TX
Death3 Apr 1939, San Antonio, Bexar Co TX Age: 64
BurialStockdale, Wilson Co TX
Death3 Apr 1939, Wilson Co TX Age: 64
BurialStockdale Cemetery, Wilson Co TX
Birth25 Oct 1869
Death8 Jul 1946, Floresville, Wilson Co TX Age: 76
BurialStockdale Cemetery, Wilson Co TX
Marriage24 Dec 1891 
Notes for William Edward (Spouse 1)
The obituary of William Edward Heathcock was published in the 12 July 1946 issue of the Floresville Chronicle-Journal: The article states that he was born in Atascosa County, Texas, and that he moved to Wilson County in his early childhood with his parents. He was married to Mary Bartlett 24 December 1891. He died in Floresville and was survived by one brother, Young Heathcock.
In 2008, the keeper of this genealogy site was contacted by Damon E. Bartlett, who gave the following information:
It's been a couple of years now since I was first given your business card by the caretaker of the city cemetery there at Stockdale, TX. He told me you were interested to find out what you could on the Heathcock line in Texas.
I do a lot of genealogy and I have a bunch of kinsmen buried there at the cemetery, and what I do know about the Heathcocks is very limited.
My grandfather Bartlett's, Sister Mary Bartlett married an Ed Heathcock form down there in Wilson, county, however they lived in San Antonio, TX. as was told to me by my older brother who knew them and was a favorite nephew of theirs. Now my Grandfather's Brother James Andrew Bartlett married Uncle Ed's sister, Carrie Heathcock creating a line of double 1st cousins and in-laws.
Uncle Ed and Aunt Mary Heathcock had four children I believe, three girls and one boy. The girls namely, were Ethel Heathcock (Asbury1) (Talley2), Sadie Heathcock (Rankin), and Eddie Heathcock (Lubianski1)...her 2nd marriage I forget but will find out. The son was named Clifford Heathcock he was murdered in a shoot-out with a poacher one night, (he was a state Game Warden) I can remember my Dad telling us stories about the death of Clifford, whom I think was only in his 20's. He is buried there at Stockdale, too. You probably saw his grave.”