NameNancy Mack Weathers
Birth19 Feb 1829, Lauderdale Co AL
Deathca 1880 Age: 50
Birth4 Mar 1823, Somerset, Pulaski Co KY
Death24 Jan 1909, Lauderdale County, AL573 Age: 85
Marriage18 Jun 1865, Arkansas573
Notes for Harrison (Spouse 2)
Harrison Lay has often been attributed as a son of Burrell Lay, probably following J. Gilbert Lay’s book. However, there is no source for this assertion by Mr. Lay and in census records, Harrison reported that both his parents were born in North Carolina (not Virginia where Burrell and Leannah were born). Most importantly, Harrison’s death certificate says that he was the son of Harrison and Peggy Lay.
229Note added by Clayton Heathcock Jr. 15 Nov 2020: Autosomal DNA now provides evidence on this point. Multiple people who have credible paths back to Harrison Lay have been to found to share significant DNA with me. Since my path traces back to Burrell Lay through his son Daniel B. Lay Sr., it seems at least possible that Harrison and Daniel B. Lay were brothers. One clear example (of about a dozen) is Peggy Jo Springer, who is Harrison Lay’s G granddaughter.
5761880 Census of Lauderdale Co AL
Household Members Age RelationshipHarrison Lay 55 Self (Head)
Nancy M. Lay 50 Wife
Lenoria A. Lay 14 Daughter
Mary F. Lay 12 Daughter
Sarah B. Lay 7 Daughter
Research notes for Harrison (Spouse 2)
1850 Census of Pulaski Co KY, family 706:
Harrison Lay, 25, m, farmer, KY
Susan Lay, 23, f, KY
Perry Lay, 6, m, KY
Libby Lay, 4, f, KY
Richmond Lay, 2, m, KY
Jane Lay, 1, F, KY