Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameSarah Miles 
Birthbef 1688, VA
Deathaft 1762, Louisa Co VA Age: 74
Birth21 Apr 1684, King William Co VA
Deathbef 2 Dec 1756, King William Co VA Age: 72
Marriageabt 1709, Gloucester, VA
Notes for Daniel James (Spouse 1)
For other Burford research, see the Rootsweb page of Pat M. Stevens IV
1399 and Ted Huf’s site.
1400 The title “Elder” seems to be his role in the church. A book has been written about this man and his descendants; “The elder Daniel Burford: His ancestors & descendants of America (1684-1996)”, B. A. Loftiss, 1997.