Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NamePitman E Burford 
Birth17 Feb 1856
Death28 Mar 1890 Age: 34
Notes for Pitman E Burford
Pittman E. Burford, Feb 17, 1856-Mar 28, 1890, Brother
Note: ACCIDENTAL DEATH: Last Friday afternoon, Mr. Pit Burford, who was blind, living at the old Doellman place, walked out of the house into the back yard, and stepped in a deep cistern filled with water. Assistance was rendered as soon as possible, but it came too late, and he died Saturday. His remains were taken up to Coldwater Sunday morning, whence they were carried out to Independence for interment. Peace to his ashes.
Source: Southern Reporter, Panola Co, MS March 14, 1890