NameFrances Bledsoe 
Birth26 Feb 1807, White Co TN
Death25 Feb 1890, Tate Co MS Age: 82
BurialBluford Cemetery, Marshall Co MS1394
Notes for Alexander Mitchell (Spouse 1)
Last Will And Testament of Alexander Mitchell Burford1396Tate County, Mississippi
In the name of God Amen. I, A. M. Burford of the County of Tate and State of Mississippi being of sound mind, memory and understanding do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament, on this the 16th day of August 1888 in form following to wit: I give my body to the dust and my soul to God who gave it, my property or worldly estate I dispose of in as follows:
Item 1st: I give and devise to my dearly and beloved wife J T Burford or home place where I am now living known as South seventy five acres South West quarter of Section twenty (27) Township four (4) Range six (6), being the South West corner of the above described land, also I want her to have one house or mule as she may select, one cow and calf.
At the death of my wife I want the property that I have named above to go to her youngest daughter Edey Caldwell.
Item 2nd: I give to my daughter Virginia I Baker seventy eight acres east of my home place known as a part of Sough east quarter and south east of Section twenty seven Township four (4) Range six (6). This is to her during her natural lifetime but at her death I want this property to go to her daughter Ora in case she is living but if she should be dead at the death of her mother this property to be equally divided between her brother and sister, and in case she dies after coming in possession of the within described property then said property to be equally divided between her brothers and sisters. I do this owing to her demented mind.
Item 3rd: I give to my son L Pitman Burford all the balance of my lands and the income of the same during his natural life time. This I do owing to Idiocy of mind and the want of eye sight. At his death I want this property to be equally divided between the heirs of my body.
Item 4th: The reason I have left the balance of my children out of my will is I think I have given each of them their equal part of my estate except the part given to L Pit Burford which they will get their part of that at his death.
I appoint my sons K L Burford, T F Burford and L J Burford as my executors of my last will and testament without giving bond and security for their performance as such, revoking and annulling all former wills by me made and ratifying and conforming to this and no other to be my last will and testament. Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of witnesses.
A. M Burford
Witnesses: W N McCain; B N McCain
State of Mississippi, Tate County
Before me R O Mosby Mayor and Exofficio a Justice of the Peace in and for said Tate County Mississippi, this day came W N McCain and B N McCain subscribing witnesses to the annexed writing who each being duly sworn says: That the foregoing and amended writing in the last will and testament of A M Burford that the said A M Burford in the presence of each of them signed the said writing as his last will and testament and declared the same to be his said last will that at the time he so signed and declared the said instrument to be his last will and testament he was of sound mind and memory and over twenty one years of age, that they each signed the said last will and testament as subscribing witnesses thereto on the day and date thereof in the presence of the said testator A M Burford and in the presence of each. And the same was done at the request of the said A M Burford.
W N McCain
B N McCain
Sworn to and subscribed before Mch 7th/90
R O Mosby Mayor and Exoff J P
Filed Mch 10, 1890, Sam J House, Clerk
Notes for Alexander Mitchell (Spouse 1)
A. M. Burford, (Feb 27, 1807) died Feb 25, 1890, age 82 yrs., 11 mos., 27 days, Father (Jane, Pittman, & A M Burford recorded on one stone written on back side of stone In Loving Memory Of Our Dead Father and Mother)
Note: Another grand and good old brother passed away. He was 83 years of age. He was a member of the Antioch church, Tate County, Miss. I have known him about thirty six years. He was a member of the church of Christ when I first knew him, but don't know when he first became a member. I can say one thing, I don't know that I ever knew a more consistent member in all my life. He raised a large family and one that any father could be proud of. He was kind, liberal and prompt. He leaves a wife and many relations and a host of friends to mourn his departure. But we have this consolation, he fulfilled his mission upon earth and has only passed over to take his final rest where we can again unite with him. I hope the relations and friends will imitate our departed brother, A. M. Burford. (W. N. McCain, March 3, 1890)
Source: The Gospel Advocate, March 19, 1890
Research notes for Alexander Mitchell (Spouse 1)
1860 Census of DeSoto MS, Flewellens Cross Roads
Name Age
A M Burford 53 TN
Jane Burford 44 NC
A J Burford 18 MS
N C Burford 16 MS
S J Burford 15 MS
Rebecca Burford 13 MS
T F Burford 12 MS
Mary Burford 11 MS
Leonard Burford 7 MS
Wm Burford 6 MS
Richard Burford 4 MS
Peter Burford 3 MS