NameAlexander Jasper Burford

Birth6 Jul 1842, Mississippi
Death28 Sep 1901, Scurry Co TX Age: 59
Birth25 Dec 1842, Mississippi
Death14 May 1917, Scurry, Kaufman Co TX Age: 74
BurialSnyder Cemetery, Scurry Co TX1375
Marriage25 Dec 1860, Independence, DeSoto Co MS1376 
Notes for Alexander Jasper Burford
Alexander Jasper Burford
Submitted by
Jerry Willis1377
Alexander Jasper Burford was born 6 July 1842 at what at the time was Desota County, Mississippi (now Tate County). A. J. married Mary Jane Jackson on 20 December 1860 at Independence, Tate County, Mississippi. Mary Jane Jackson was born on 25 December 1842 at Desota (sic) County, Mississippi. Mary Jane was a cousin to President Andrew Jackson.
[*See note below]They had one child before the Civil War, who was my gr. grandfather Daniel L. Burford. A. J. enlisted and was in Company A 10th Mississippi Regiment (Army of the Tennessee). I have his War records and Pension records. He fought at Murpheesboro, both battles at Shiloh, both battles of Franklin, TN. At the last battle of Franklin, he was captured and sent by train to Camp Douglas in Illinois as a P.O.W. until 18th of June 1865.
He and his family left Mississippi and caught a boat and went down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, from there they traveled by ox cart to Texas. They arrived in Texas on Christmas day 1869. They lived in Tarrant County for about seven years. They then moved to Runnels County in 1876.
Alexander Jasper Burford died on 28 September 1901 in Scurry County, Texas and Mary Jane died on 17 May 1917 in Scurry County.
*Note added by Clayton Heathcock, 14 Nov 2014: Thus far, I have been unable to find any evidence of the nature of this asserted relationship to Andrew Jackson.
Research notes for Alexander Jasper Burford
1870 Census of Twnshp 4 Range 6, DeSoto Co MS
Name Age
A J Burford 27 MS
Mary J Burford 26 MS
David F Burford 9 MS
Lee Burford 4 MS
Ida Burford 3 MS
Frank Burford 1 MS
James Rigney 22 AL (at school)
1880 Census of Pct 8, Coleman TX
Name Age
Burford 57 MS NC NC
Mary T. Burford 37 MS NC NC
Daniel F. Burford 18 MS NC NC
Lee O. Burford 13 MS NC NC
Ada M. 12 MS NC NC
Otus F. Burford 11 MS NC NC
Magaret T. Burford 9 TX NC NC
Tolbert A. Burford 7 TX NC NC
Minnie L. Burford 5 TX NC NC
Jasper L. Burford 3 TX NC NC
William B. Burford 2 TX NC NC
Mattie L. Burford 6m TX NC NC
Jefferson Darkry 21 hired
1900 Census of Justice Pct 3, Scurry Co TX
Name Age
A J Burford 57 July 1842 m 39 MS TN TN
M J Burford 57 Dec 1842 m 39, m of 14, 14 living MS TN TN
B O Burford 16 July 1883 TX MS MS
Myrtle Burford 14 June 1885 TX MS MS
Courtney Burford 10 April 1890 TX MS MS
Notes for Mary Jane (Spouse 1)
Said by family tradition to have been cousin to President Andrew Jackson.
ParentageHer death certificate, information given by her son Lee O. Burford, with whom she lived at the time of her death, gives her parents as Andrew Jackson and Martha Culp. Other parents have been given by various online researchers:
Mitchell E. Jackson and Margaret Mahala Cupp.
1378 This family did live in De Soto Co MS in 1850 and had a 7-year old daughter named Mary J. Jackson. This is the place where Mary Jane was born and where she married A. J. Burford, as shown by the application she filed with the State of Texas for support of Confederate Veterans.
James Hezekiah Jackson and Nancy Jane Strayhorn.
1379 This family also lived in De Soto Co MS in 1850 and had an 8-year old daughter named Mary J. Jackson.
Peter Franklin Jackson and Nancy Childers.
1380 This family lived in Tippah Co MS in 1850 and had an 8-year old daughter named Mary J. Jackson.
Andrew Jackson and Martha Culp (as given on death certificate). The 1850 census does show an Andrew Jackson and Wife Susan Jackson listed iin Jones Co MS, with a 7-year old daughter named Mary Jackson.