Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameHenrietta Amelia Brown

Birth27 Nov 1871, Sardis, MS
DeathMay 1899, Barstow, TX Age: 27
Birth10 Dec 1864, Pleasant Grove, Panola County, MS
Death1 Aug 1925, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Co OK Age: 60
Marriage5 Nov 1891, Sardis, Panola Co MS1364
Notes for Henrietta Amelia Brown
Born November 27,1871 in Sardis, Mississippi. Married Lewis Butler on November 27,1871 at the same home. Mother of Mabel Irene and Clementine. Died in May of 1899 at Barstow, Texas, and is buried there.
Notes for Lewis Andrew (Spouse 1)
Born December 10, 1864 at Pleasant Grove, Mississippi (Panola County). His father was a confederate soldier who died soon after the army was dismissed, and before Lewis was a year old. He was the father of Mabel and Clem, and the husband of Henreitta. After Henrietta (Henny) died, he married her sister, Elizabeth, and they had two more children, Adam and Frances. While living in Texola, Oklahoma the Butler's owned and ran a grocery store in the early 1900s. He died in Oklahoma City at 1304 N W 16th. on August 1, 1925.
671900 Census of Justice Pct 1, Ward Co TX
Name Age
Lewis Butler 35 widowed
Mabel Butler 7
Clemmie B Butler 5
1910 Census of Texola, Beckham Co OK
Name AgeLewis A Butler 44
Elisabeth B Butler 30
MA Bele I Butler 17
Clemmie B Butler 15
Adam B Butler 6
Francis I Butler 7/12
Clement Fancis Butler 32 female
1920 Census of Oklahoma City Ward 1, Oklahoma Co OK
Name Age
Lewis A Butler 55
Lizzy B Butler 39
Clemie Butler 25
Adam Butler 15
Ira F Butler 10
ANOTHER HOUSE MOVED FROM BENONINE1367L B Butler had a two-room residence moved from Benonine to Texola Wednesday The house was set near the residence of Mr Butler and will be occupied by his father and mother, Mr and Mrs Boxley. The house was formerly owned by Mr Rayburn of Benonine and is the third residence Mr Butler has moved from Benonine to Texola this year.