NameEva Speck 
BirthApr 1763, Mecklenburg Co NC
Death2 Aug 1848, Franklin Co TN Age: 85
Birth1755, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co PA
Death6 Apr 1835, Franklin Co TN Age: 80
BurialFranklin Co NC
Marriage17 Apr 1778, Mecklenburg Co NC1307
Notes for Eva Speck
According to G R Hall "Rev War Pension File W326 contains original declaration (3 Sep 1832) by her husband, Michael Awalt and several declarations by Eva to support her pension claim after Michael's death. Michael's will, dated 13 Jul 1827, names daughters and son Jacob. She has reference number NC-TN. Ref: 18-G, Sharon Huffman, gedcom & ltr w/documentations, 26 Dec 1992 (in G R Hall's possible possession or other family relative). In 1851, Eva's "only heirs at law" were named as "Catherine Wever, Jacob Awalt, John Awalt, Barbry Tips, Sophia Webb, Nancy Limbo." Ref. 16-II, Heritage of Rowan County, NC, vol 1, fam no 886, confirms birth and death information. 16-DD, LCT Pioneers, X, #2, p 57. 18-3O, Early Limbaugh summary. (I have penned in probably buried in vicinity of Awalt Bend of Elk River in Franklin County, Tennessee, but I did not write source.) 12-N, Jacob Awalt (24 May 1851) states mother's date of death. Michael Abraham Awalt and Eve Speck had the following children: John Awalt, Jacob C. Awalt, Catherine Awalt, Barbara Awalt, Sophia Awalt was born about 1803 Nancy Ann Awalt." Eva Speck is Jack Lyle Holt's Great Great Great Grandmother. Someone has written in the "Family Histories, Franklin County, Tennessee" book covering 1807-1996 that the spelling of Speck in the German records was Specht.
1307Burial: August 1848, Probably buried in the vicinity of Awalt Bend of Elk River in Franklin County, Tennessee (Source: J. T. Limbaugh, Franklin County, Tennessee - Probably buried in the vicinity of "Awalt Bend" of the Elk River in Franklin County, Tennessee.)
1307Spelling: Speck is spelled as Specht in the German records
Notes for Michael Abraham (Spouse 1)
1308Michael AWALT, W326, West Tenn. #6813, $50/yr. issued 6 Mar. 1833. Eva or Evy AWALT, widow. Tenn. #unreadable $50/yr. issued 24 Dec. 185? Note: Michael is also mistakenly referred to as Joseph AWALT.
3 Sept. 1832, Franklin County. Michael AWALT aged about 75 testifies that he was born in Pennsylvania but does not know the year. He calculates his age based on the date of his freedom as an apprentice. He lived in Rowan County, N.C., while an apprentice and was sent on two trips by the man to whom he was bound, in pursuit of the Tories. On the first tour he served under Windle MILLER and marched to 96 Dist., S.C.
Two months after the outbreak of the war he turned 21 and removed to Cabarrus County, N.C., where he lived for 10 years. From there he vol. for nine months under Capt. COWAN and served on the Dan River in N.C. He also marched to S.C. under Maj. ARMSTRONG and Gen. LINCOLN in the 4th reg't. and was in the battle of Stone.
After this term ended he returned home and went out again as a substitute for Killian KEPLY. He served in the militia under Capt. STARNES and Gen. RUTHERFORD, and was in the battle called Gates' Defeat. He overheard Generals GATES and SMALLWOOD arguing about the battle plans. He served for three months. He went out again as a substitute for George MASTER, but drove a wagon instead of regular service. His wagon was taken from him by the Tories on the forth day after the battle of Guilford.
He can prove his service by William RYAL. He is known in his neighborhood to Parson Elijah BRAZIER, Joseph HILTON Esq., Col. William TAYLOR and others.
After living in Cabarrus County for 10 years he removed to Burke County, N.C., for over 20 years. He then removed to this place. William RYAL testifies that he knew AWALT duing the war and has known him ever since. Zachariah MURRELL states he has been a near neighbor to Michael AWALT for 15 years and vouches for his reputation as a soldier. Court declares that the clergyman in the applicant's neighborhood is sick at this time.
20 Dec. 1840, Franklin Co. Mrs. Evy AWALT aged 78 states that her husband Michael AWALT died 6 April 1835, that they were married in Mecklenburg County, N.C., 17 April 1778 but she has no record of their marriage or the births of their children, having lost or mislaid it. Nathaniel BORUM testifies to the identity of Evy AWALT. William RIAL aged 73 states he was married to Molly SPECK, a sister of Evy AWALT. Molly RIAL aged 79 also appeared before the justice.Each deponent originally came from Mecklenburg (Rockingham crossed out) Co., N.C. They state that Michael and Evy AWALT from the time of their marriage until his death in FC lived together in utmost peace and harmony.
17 May 1841, FC. Sophia HISE, widow of Coonrad HISE deceased, originally a resident of Mecklenburg Co., N.C., and now of FC, aged 86, states that her husband went in company with Michael AWALT and her sister Evy SPECK and saw them married by Parson WIRTMAN (STARK crosed out) in Mecklenburg Co., N.C., in April 1778. She recalls the month and year because she herself gave birth to a son the following February, 1779. William RIAL states he was not at the wedding but lived with the couple for six months after their marriage. He also lived with Coonrod HISE and his wife Sophia SPECK in N.C. and frequently heard HISE say he was present at the marriage.
15 Dec. 1845, FC. Evy AWALT states that Michael AWALT received a discharge from his commander but sold it to another gentleman. States she was married April, 1781, in Rowan Co., N.C. She is unable to appear in court and gives her deposition before John ROLMAN, J.P. Solomon LIMBAUGH aged 45 states he was present on 6 Apr. 1835 and saw Michael AWALT die, and that Evy AWALT has not remarried.
16 Dec. 1845, FC. Sophia HISE aged 89 states that her husband Coonrod HISE, Sr., has been dead more than 25 years. William RYAL aged 75 states he was present more than three years ago to hear Magdalane RYAL state she helped to prepare the wedding dinner when Eve and Michael AWALT were married. Said Magdalane RYAL has been dead more than two years.
22 Dec. 1845, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Cover letter sent by John BRUCE to accompany deposition of Evy AWALT and supporting documents. To the Commissioner of Pensions. "Sir, It cannot be expected that the widow can recollect all the facts and circumstances which were related to her by her husband in his lifetime, after a lapse of fifteen or twenty years. Statements are frequently made by the husband to his wife by the fireside and go in at one year and out at the other. Or if the wife actualee by motives of curiosity or otherwise sets down those statements well in her own mind, yet in the course of ten or fifteen years the recollection of those statements will fade and die upon the memory. Dear sir, at this time I bring before you the case of an old lady eighty two years old, late in the afternoon of life, who in her husband's lifetime was entirely independant and had plenty of the good things of life, but since his death has been reduced to a state of indigence, and thrown upon a cold hearted and uncharited world for a support. Dear friend, I rely upon the good judgement of the Department and hope for a decision in her favor. "I am, my dear sir, with sentiments of great respect, your friend and obedient servant, John BRUCE."
15 March 1846, FC. Hon. Stephen ADAMS of Mississippi states he was aquainted with Michael AWALT for many years and AWALT'S oldest son is between 55 and 60, and his grandchildren near 40 years of age.
25 Apr. 1851, Cabarrus Co., N.C. Clerk states he can find no record of the marriage of Evy SPECK and Michael AWALT.
24 May 1851, FC. William RIAL aged past 80 years states that he knew Michael and Evy AWALT from his boyhood to their deaths. Jacob AWALT of FC, son of Michael AWALT, states his mother and father were married in Cabarrus Co., N.C., about 1786. His mother Eva AWALT died 2 Aug. 1848, leaving the following named children and heirs at law: Catherine WEBER (or WEVER?), John AWALT, Barbary TIPS, Sophia WEBB, Nancy (or Naomi) LIMBO. John TRAVIS, J.P of FC, testifies that Jacob AWALT is about 62 years old, having been considered an old man for some years past. John ROLMAN, J.P., testifies he has known Jacob AWALT for 30 years and that he himself is 49 years old and supposes AWALT is 62. He was acquainted with Michael and Eva AWALT. He is also acquainted with Mrs. Catherine WEVER, sister of Jacob AWALT, whom he has always understood was older than Jacob AWALT.
2 Dec. 1851, Knoxville, Tenn. Taze W. NEWMAN, attorney, is unable to provide physician's or undertaker's certificate that Eva AWALT is dead, because one is dead and the other has moved to Texas. This is in the case of Jacob AWALT who lives on Hurricane Creek in FC.
25 June 1852, Marshall, IL. W. MANLY inquires as to the status of Eva AWALT'S claim for pension.
Notes for Michael Abraham (Spouse 1)
Michael Abraham4 Awalt, Sr. (Johannes3, Ludwig2, Ludwig1) (Source: J. T. Limbaugh, Franklin County, Tennessee.) was born Abt. 1755 in around Germantown, Pennsylvania which is part of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or North Carolina (Source: (1) J. T. Limbaugh, Franklin County, Tennessee, - Michael Abraham Awalt born C1755 in Pennsylvania., (2) , Michael Abraham Awalt born in 1755 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA.), and died April 06, 1835 in Franklin County, Tennessee (Source: J. T. Limbaugh, Franklin County, Tennessee - Michael Abraham Awalt died April 6, 1835.). He married Eva Speck (Source: G R Hall, 18-3U, says given name "Evy." 3-I and 2-I, 1840 TN Census, Franklin County, TN, p 46. AWALT, EVE 0001-0000000001. i.e., one male 15-20; one female 70-80 This agrees with Eve's birth year of 1763. The male perhaps is a grandson. The youngest child of Eva's in this db was b. in 1803. Eva's husband, Michael Awalt, had died in 1835.) April 17, 1778 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Source: (1) J. T. Limbaugh, Franklin County, Tennessee - Michael Abraham Awalt and Eve Speck were married on April 17, 1778 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina., (2), 15-XX, Rowan County Register, vol 8, p 1725 (1993) "Michael Awalt married Eve Speck 17 Apr 1778 in Rowan County, NC [no extant Rowan Co marr bond]. An affidavit dated 1841 says the wedding dinner was cooked by Eva's sister, Mary Rial, wife of William Rial, and the dinner was eaten at her mother's house."), daughter of David Speck and Barbara Unknown. She was born April 1763 in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Source: J. T. Limbaugh, Franklin County, Tennessee - Eve Speck was born in April 1763.), and died August 02, 1848 in Franklin County, Tennessee (Source: J. T. Limbaugh, Franklin County, Tennessee - Eve Speck died August 2, 1848 in Franklin County, Tennessee.).
Notes for Michael Abraham (Spouse 1)
Notes for Michael Abraham Awalt, Sr.:
1307Michael Abraham Awalt was the first known ancestor of the Awalt family in Franklin County, Tennessee. Sometime prior to 1775, he moved to Rowan County, North Carolina. In 1775 and 1776 while an apprentice, he served in a Rowan County Militia Company commanded by Captain George Henry Barringer (Barrier, Burger, etc.) and Lieutenant Windell Miller during expeditions "in pursuit of the Tories" to Ninety Six, South Carolina (Nov.-Dec. 1775) and to Cross Creek (now Fayetteville), NC (Feb. 1776). When he attained his "freedom as an apprentice" and was 21 years of age, he volunteered for a 9 month tour in the Rowan County Militia. During this tour, he marched to "Moons Creek" on the Dan River, later he marched to Camden, SC, where he saw action with the Fourth Regiment of the North Carolina Line at Stono Ferry in 1779. In 1780, he served a 3 month tour as a substitute for Kilian Keply and saw action with the militia in the Battle of Camden ("Gates Defeat"). In 1781, he served 3 months tour as a substitue for George Master and "was assigned to drive a wagon" at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, NC, where "his wagon was taken from him by the Tories on the 4th day after the battle". Michael Awalt applied for a pension in 1832 as a result of his service in Revolutionary War and in 1833 was awarded $50 per year. After the Revolutionary War, he settled in Mecklenberg County, NC, where in 1787 he was granted 50 acres of land on "Dutch Bufalow Creek". The area in 1792 was designated Cabarrus County, NC. About 1800 he moved to Burke County, NC, where he lived "upwards of twenty years." Around 1820, he moved to Franklin County, Tennessee. Revolutionary War Pension File W326 contains Michael's original declaration (3 Sep 1832) and several declarations made by Eva to support her claim for a pension after Michael's death. (Source: J. T. Limbaugh] Michael Abraham Awalt is Jack Lyle Holt's Great Great Great Grandfather. Someone has written in the "Family Histories, Franklin County, Tennessee" book covering 1807-1996 that the spelling of Awalt in the German records was Ewalt. This book also states that Mecklenburg County (area became Cabarrus County in 1792) and that their children born in North Carolina were George, Michael, John, and Jacob C. The book goes on to say in this article on page 122 that the Awalt Family were members of the Lutheran Church. Michael Sr. and his son Jacob served as elders of the Olive Branch Evangelical Lutheran Church in Franklin County, Tennessee. "Revolutionary War Pension Applications from Franklin County, TN" compiled by Charles A. Sherrill states that William Rial, brother-in-law to Michael Awalt that Michael and Evy Awalt from the time of their marriage until his death in Franklin County lived together in utmost peace and harmony. Solomon Limbaugh states that he was present on 6 April 1835 and saw Michael Awalt die.
Notes for Michael Abraham (Spouse 1)
Spelling: Awalt was spelled as Ewalt in the German records
Notes for Michael Abraham (Spouse 1)
Probably buried in the vicinity of Awalt Bend of Elk River in Franklin Co TN