NameJohn Noblett 
Birth3 Dec 1743, York Co PA
Death1791, Surry Co NC Age: 47
Birth21 Jan 1752, York Co PA
Deathaft Apr 1825 Age: 73
Notes for John Noblett
Surry County, North Carolina Wills 1771 - 1827 lists the will of John Noblet 24 April 1791. His wife was named as Rebecca. William Meredith was an administrator of John’s will. Joesph and William Noblet sons of John chose William Meredith as their guardian on May 14, 1792.
Notes for Rebeccah (Spouse 1)
Rebecca (Keys) Noblett Meredith grew up in Orange County, North Carolina and after the Revolutionary War her father moved to Surry County, North Carolina. Rebecca was received in membership by the Deep Creek Monthly Meeting 6 Oct 1788 and disowned by Deep Creek Monthly Meeting on 4 May 1793 for marrying out of unity. This was after her second marriage which was to William Meredith. William had been named Guardian for her children after the death of her first husband.