NameOran Ewart Webb 
Birth26 Aug 1897, Lockney, Floyd Co TX
Death4 Apr 1948, Haskell, Haskell Co TX Age: 50
Birth29 Sep 1898, Buda, Hays Co TX
Death15 May 1990, Haskell, Haskell Co TX Age: 91
Marriage20 Mar 1921, Dilley, Frio Co TX
Notes for Oran Ewart Webb
Funeral notice:
1072 "Oran E Webb, 50, prominent Haskell farmer and resident here for thirty years died at the family home six miles east of Haskell on Sunday at 10:15 PM after being stricken with a heart attack. He had been slightly ill for several days but his condition was not believed serious and his death came as a distinct shock to relatives and friends. The deceased was born August 26, 1897 at Lockney in Floyd county Texas and was the son of Mr and Mrs James D Webb. He went to Frio county as a young man and later came to Haskell county in 1918. He married Miss Stella Stewart of Dilley Texas on March 20, 1921 and they made their home in this section since that time. Mr Webb had been a member of the Methodist Church since he was 14 years of age."
Notes for Oran Ewart Webb
Following from Jim Webb family history:
333 There were two children born to their marriage, James Robert Webb, Sr. and Mary Lou Gilleland (formerly Webb). Oran Webb died intestate and there was an administration on his estate made in Haskell County, Texas. At the time of his death (April 1948) he was seized and possessed of certain property which had come to him by inheritance or gift from his family and which was considered separate property and which consisted of a certain interest in real property which was located in Yoakum County, Texas as well as some property located in Haskell County, Texas. Some of the property in the two counties has produced either oil or gas as a result of exploration by various oil companies. Oran was the first of the sons of Jim Webb to marry. He met Stella Stewart in Dilley when his father and Grandfather Farnsworth lived there. He returned later to take her hand. They were married on March 20, 1921 and came to live in Haskell Texas where the Webbs had moved. Jim Webb soon moved out west but Oran and Stella set up housekeeping in Haskell. They also had Elma and Alton living with them at the time. There was a meeting of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan at the O E Webb farm four miles east of Haskell on Monday night September 29, 1924. Public lectures were given by speakers of state reputation. Every officer of the Haskell County Klan was present. (Notice from Haskell newspaper). The Dilley Atmosphere, which was the newspaper at Dilley, Texas, published the honor roll for the Dilley schools on November 5, 1913 and it showed Oran Webb at the top of the honor roll for the tenth grade with an average of ninety five.
Notes for Stella Victoria (Spouse 1)
Following from Jim Webb’s family history:
333When Oran and Stella married they went to live in Haskell where the Webbs had moved. Jim Webb soon moved on out west but Elma and Alton stayed in Haskell. Stella remembers that she had to cook for three men and to wash all their clothes. She did her wash on a scrubboard at that time which made it difficult. Once the wash fell down from the clothesline and into the mud and she had to wash it all over again. The men would not wear their khaki work pants unless they were ironed so she had to iron all those clothes plus carry the water from the pump to wash and to cook. She said they were all very good to her but in looking back in later years, she didn't see how she did all that work. Oran died in 1948 and in 1965 Stella married Oscar Tooley and they resided at Haskell. Stella Webb's Pecan Pie Recipe (makes 2 pies):1 cup butter or margarine; 1 tsp allspice; 2 cups sugar; 1 tsp cinnamon; 4 eggs; 1 cup raisins; 1 tsp nutmeg; 1 cup pecans (chopped); 2 tablespoons vinegar. Cream butter and sugar together. Add eggs, one at a time mixing after each addition. Add spices, raisins, pecans and vinegar. Pour into unbaked pie shells and bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) until done (about 50 to 55 minutes).