NameJoel Thomas Gossett
Birth20 Jan 1837, Caswell Co NC
Death6 Nov 1896, Taylor, Williamson Co TX Age: 59
Birth16 Apr 1837, Pulaski Co KY
Death14 Dec 1904, Taylor, Williamson Co TX Age: 67
Marriage20 Jan 1858, Pulaski Co KY640,641
Notes for Joel Thomas Gossett
In 1879, Erasmus D. Compton (1841-1924) moved his wife Martha Jane Duck (1841-1912), and their three children to Taylor, Williamson Co., TX to escape the post-war atmosphere of "sinnin', cussin' and drunkenness" that he found all too pervasive in his home of Pulaski Co. According to their son, C. V. Compton, Erasmus Compton and his brother and sister-in-law, Joel T. (b. ca 1839) and
Celina Duck Gossett (b. ca 1837), were both quite concerned about the influence of local moonshiners on their young children. The Compton and Gossett families left Kentucky in 1879, took the train to Palestine, Texas, where they settled for a year or so, before moving to Williamson Co., TX.
6351870 Census of Harrison, Pulaski Co KY
Household Members Age Joel S Gossett 33
Salena Gossett 33
John W Gossett 11
Thomas B Gossett 8
Mary M Gossett 4
Arzonia A Gossett 2
Charles Gossett 4/12
Joel Gossett 66
William Gossett 21
1880 Census of Williamson Co TX
Household Members Age RelationshipJ. T. Gossett 45 Self (Head)
Salene Gossett 45 Wife
John W. Gossett 21 Son
Boil Gossett 17 Son
Mattie Gossett 15 Daughter
Arizona Gossett 13 Daughter
Charles Gossett 10 Son
George W. Gossett 8 Son
Marian Gossett 5 Son
Notes for Celina F. (Spouse 1)
In the 1900 census of Williamson Co TX, Selina Gossett is listed in the family of her son, John Gossett:
Gossett, John, head, w, m, Nov 1858, 41, married, KY, SC, KY, farmer
Robert W., son, w, m, May 1879, 21, single, KY, KY, KY, RR clerk
Marvin H., son, w, m, Apr 1882, 18, single, TX, KY, KY, salesman, grocery
Willard, son, w, m, Sept 1884, 15, single, TX, KY, KY, at school
Wilbor, son, w, m, May 1889, 11, single, TX, KY, KY, at school
Allen T., son, w, m, Mar 1895, 5, single, TX, KY, KY
Salina, mother, w, f, Apr 1834, 64, married, KY, KY, KY (mother of four children, two still living)
Emma, sister, w, f, May 1882, 18, single, TX, KY, KY, at school