NameJoe E. Richter 
Birth5 Oct 1908, TX
Death10 Dec 2002, Houston, Harris Co TX Age: 94
Birth2 Feb 1907, TX
Death2 Feb 1998, Houston, Harris Co TX Age: 91
Notes for Joe E. Richter
Dates of birth and death from the SSDI record:
Joe E. Richter, 449-01-5939
Born 5 Oct 1908; d 10 Dec 2002 (Houston, Harris Co TX)
Joe and Merle Richter are listed in the 1930 census of Williamson Co TX, precinct 4. Joe Richter was a furniture salesman. At the time (11 April 1930), Joe was 21 and Merle was 22. They reported that they were both 21 at the time of their marriage. This would not actually be possible if the dates given on their SSDI records are accurate, since those dates show Ida Merle Harris was about 20 months older than Joe Richter.
In the same Williamson Co TX census, Joe Richter is also listed with his parents, again as a furniture salesman:
Name Age
George R Richter 56
Mattie Richter 50
Langdon Richter 24
Joe Richter 21
Tom Richter 19
Jimmie Richter 17
Mary Le Richter 15
G A Richter 13
Notes for Ida Merle (Spouse 1)
Date if death from the SSDI record:
Merle Richter, 460-50-0111
Born 2 Feb 1908; d 2 Feb 1998 (Houston, Harris Co TX)
The Texas Death Index, 1903-2000, lists Ida Richter, d 1 Feb 1998, Harris Co TX.