NameJesse Lay Sr.
Birthca 1748, Wilkes Co NC
DeathMar 1850, Campbell Co TN Age: 102
Birth2 Jan 1775, Caswell Co KY586
Death1863, Whitley Co KY586 Age: 87
MarriageNov 1810, Whitley Co KY586
Notes for Jesse Lay Sr.
In Caswell Co. Deed Book A, is an indenture between Jesse Lay and Braxton Cox for the "whole lot of land that fell to the aforesaid Jesse Lay by marriage to Hannah Gibson, heir of John and Mary Gibson."
[see following note] Jesse is described as of Campbell Co TN. Braxton Cox appears in the same Militia Company with the Lays in Campbell Co in 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, and 1822 Tax Lists. Braxton is described as ‘of Campbell Co. Tennessee’ in the 5th of June 1810 power of attorney to represent Jesse in the 01 Oct. 1810 sale of the inherited property to Epaphroditus Stone. Braxton eventually appears in Roane and Meigs Cos. TN.
844[Note: This reference to Hannah Gibson as heir of “John and Mary Gibson” has often been taken as evidence that Mary Duncan’s first husband was John Gibson. However, it is also possible that the “John” referred to John Cooper, who married the widow Mary Gibson.]SCHEDULE 3. -- Person who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1850, in 17th Sub Division in the County of Campbell State of Tennessee, enumerated by me, John Phillips Ass't Marshall.
NAME AGE S R FS MS POB MTH Occ DISEASEJesse Lay 84 M W unknown March None Old Age
[Note: This is probably Jesse Lay Jr., son of Jesse Lay Sr., who would have been born about 1780. The consensus seems to be that Jesse Lay Sr. was born about 1748.]
Research notes for Jesse Lay Sr.
Notes from
DB K pg 296 - 7 Oct 1798 - Agreeable in obedience to the Court of Caswell County to lay off and alot land of John Lay decd:
Lot #3: Beginning at a stake
Thence N to and with the old line 22 chains and 50 links to a stake
Thence W with said line 23 chains 81 links to pointers
Thence S a dividing line 32 chains 50 links to pointers
Thence E 23 chains 81 links to beginning. 75 acres
Drawn for Jesse Lay
---Knox County KY Pioneer Families, pg 60 - Enumeration of 23 Dec. 1810: 5,875 persons including 2867 white males; 2661 white females; 307 negro slaves and 40 free colored. These people were included in the enumeration: Thomas Foley, Spencer Foley, Elijah Foley, Jesse Lay, Jesse Lay, Joel Lay, Matthew Wilhite, and Ezekial Wilhite.
---1840 census of Campbell Co Tenn. on pg318
Jesse Lay Sr. 1770/1780 with female same age bracket is listed.
[Clayton note- this is probably Jesse Jr., who would be about this age.]Father: John LAY b: ABT 1699 in Poss. CT
Mother: Mrs. John (Martha) LAY b: ABT 1703 in Poss. CT
Marriage 1 Mrs. Jesse LAY b: 1740 in NC
• Married: in Caswell Co., NC
1. Charles LAY b: ABT 1746
2. David LAY b: ABT 1748
3. John LAY b: ABT 1750
4. Joseph LAY b: ABT 1752
5. Martha LAY b: ABT 1754
6. Peter LAY b: ABT 1756
7. Thomas LAY b: ABT 1760
8. Jesse II LAY b: 1765
Research notes for Jesse Lay Sr.
From I305
Name: Jesse (Duncan) LAY, SR.
Sex: M
Birth: 1720
Note: from Whitley Co. NC
Marriage: Hannah Lay (William Lay's daughter) & Jesse are the parents of the children shown here. He married a Catherine Bradley & after she died. He married a Hannah Gibson the daughter of John Gibson & Mary Duncan. [Change Date: 14 FEB 2002]
Father: John LAY b: 1699
Mother: Martha b: 1703
Marriage 1 Hannah LAY b: 1740
• Married: Abt 1810
1. Jesse (Duncan) LAY, JR. b: 1765
2. Charles LAY b: 1746
3. David LAY b: 1748
4. John LAY b: 1750
5. Joseph LAY b: 1752
6. Martha LAY b: 1754
7. Peter LAY b: 1756
8. Thomas LAY b: 1760
Research notes for Jesse Lay Sr.
From Helen Ledford,, I70877035
Name: Jessie LAY SR.
Given Name: Jessie
Surname: Lay Sr.
Sex: M
Birth: 1720 in Rockingham Co.NC
Title: # 760
Change Date: 5 Jan 2001
Name Prefix: Mr.
Name Suffix: # 760
In Caswell Co. Deed Book A, is an indenture between Jesse Lay and Braxton Cox for the "whole lot of land that fell to the aforesaid Jesse Lay by marriage to Hannah Gibson, heir of John and Mary Gibson." Jesse is described as of Campbell Co. Tennessee. Braxton Cox appears in the same Militia Company with the Lays in Campbell Co. in 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, and 1822 Tax Lists. Braxton is described as of Campbell Co. Tennessee in the 5th of June 1810 power of attorney to represent Jesse in the 01 Oct. 1810 sale of the inherited property to Epaphroditus Stone. Braxton eventually appears in Roane and Meigs Cos. Tennessee.Lot #3: Beginning at a stake
Thence N to and with the old line 22 chains and 50 links to a stake
Thence W with said line 23 chains 81 links to pointers
Thence S a dividing line 32 chains 50 links to pointers
Thence E 23 chains 81 links to beginning. 75 acres
Drawn for Jesse Lay
---Knox County KY Pioneer Families, pg 60 - Enumeration of 23 Dec. 1810: 5,875 persons including 2867 white males; 2661 white females; 307 negro slaves and 40 free colored. These people were included in the enumeration: Thomas Foley, Spencer Foley, Elijah Foley, Jesse Lay, Jesse Lay, Joel Lay, Matthew Wilhite, and Ezekial Wilhite.In 1810 Jesse Lay gave power of attorney to Baxter Cox in Caswell County, North Carolina to sell his wife's (Hannah Lay) share of the Mary Gibson's estate. (See Caswell Property Division Book, K, Power of Attorney. Book Q mentions Jesse Lay of Campbell County, Tennessee.)
DB Q, pg. 301. Know all men by these presents that I Jess Lay Senr. of State of Tennessee and County of Campbell have constituted and appointed friend Braxton Cox Esq. of County and state aforesaid my lawful attorney in my name and stead and to my use to ask, demand, sue for legacy, recover sale and dispose of all the real and personal estate that I have in the state of N.C. and receive all sums of money debts due and demand whatsoever which shall be due given payable and belonging to me or detained from me whatsoeverer giving and granting unto my said attorney my lawful and whole authority in and about the premises to have use and take all lawful ways and means in my name for the recovery thereof and upon the sale of land to execute deeds...etc. 5 June 1810 /s/Jesse X Lay
Father: John LAY b: 1699 in Conneticut
Mother: Martha LAY b: 1703 in Conneticut
Marriage 1 Hannah GIBSON b: 1726 in Rockingham Co.NC
• Married: 1745 in Caswell Co. NC
1. Charles LAY b: 1746 in Caswell Co. NC
2. Davis LAY b: 1748 in Grainger Co.Tennessee
3. John LAY b: 1750 in Grainger Co.Tennessee
4. Joseph LAY b: 1752 in Grainger Co.Tennessee
5. Martha LAY b: 1754 in Grainger Co.Tennessee
6. Peter LAY b: 1756 in Grainger Co.Tennessee
7. Thomas LAY b: 1758 in Grainger Co.Tennessee
8. Jesse Duncan LAY JR. b: 1760 in Tenn. or NC