Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
Name(Unknown) Bird 
Birthca 1836, Marengo Co AL
Deathbef 1872 Age: 36
Notes for Martha (Spouse 1)
Earl Van Dorn and Martha Goodbread (abt 1836 - early 1870s) had three children during the years he was stationed in Texas. Family members feel that it is unlikely that his Mississippi family ever knew of the Texas family. A son Percy Van Dorn was born in Texas in 1857; a daughter Lammie Van Dorn in 1858; and a son Douglas Van Dorn in 1860.
253Martha Goodbread cannot be located in the 1850 census, when she would have been ca 14. The family of Thomas and Malinda Goodbread only inludes daughters Elizabeth and Mary, ages 17 and 12, respectively.