NameRichard Nunn Shackelford
113, GGGG Grandfather
Birth14 Dec 1750, Hanover Co VA
Death11 Jan 1824, Madison Co AL Age: 73
Birth12 Feb 1748, Halifax Co VA485
Death13 May 1832, Madison Co AL485,486 Age: 84
Marriageca 1768, Halifax Co VA487
Notes for Richard Nunn Shackelford
Margaret Shackelford's parents were Richard Shackelford and Mary Ann Roberts, who were married in about 1768, probably in Halifax County, Virginia.
488 In the 1780s, Richard and Mary Ann Shackelford moved their family from Virginia to South Carolina, where he was a prominent Baptist preacher in the Spartanburg and Laurens County area in the late 1700s and early 1800s. A history of the South Carolina Baptist church reports: "The largest and probably the most influential Baptist church of the back country in the quarter century following the revolution was located on the ridge between Enoree and Tyger Rivers and was known officially as Jamey's Creek Church until 1798, when the Bethel Association agreed, upon request, that it 'be hereafter called Bethel' Church. Its neighbors of that period know it as Shackelford's meeting or Richard Shackelford's church." The Bethel Association Minutes show that between 1790 and 1803 Richard Shackelford baptized 158 individuals, including 80 in 1802.
487 1790 Census of Laurens Co SC
Name: Richard Shackleford
Free White Males Under 16: 4
Free White Males 16 and Over: 1
Free White Females: 6
Slaves: 9
1800 Census of Laurens Co SC
Name: Reverend Richard Shackelford
Free White Males 10 to 15: 2
Free White Males 16 to 25: 1
Free White Males 45 and Over: 1
Free White Females Under 10: 1
Free White Females 10 to 15: 1
Free White Females 45 and Over: 1
Slaves: 11
1810 Census of Laurens Co SC
Name: Richard Shackelford
Free White Males 45 and Over: 1
Free White Females 16 to 25: 1
Free White Females 45 and Over: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 5
The Shackelford family later moved to the Madison County Alabama area, where Richard was pastor of Enon Baptist Church. Enon Church and its pastor are described in another history of the Baptist church: "Enon Church was formerly known by the name of W. Fork, of Flint River. Their place of worship is situated about ten miles north of Huntsville, rather northeast, and about three miles from Meridianville, in a rich fertile region. It is one of the oldest churches in the state, but has never been very prosperous... It seems that they were without any regular (pastor) until June, 1815, when Z. W. Baker and R. Shackelford were requested to preach for them. Near the close of the year, Mr. Shackelford was chosen pastor... It appears that Mr. Shackelford died in 1823... With regard to Mr. Shackelford, ...frequently moderator in the Flint River Association, we were personally acquainted with him for some years; we think he was a native of Virginia, ordained in that state, or N. Carolina; resided many years in South Carolina, and was often chosen moderator of Bethel Association. He was highly esteemed as an active, good minister of Jesus Christ; but did not escape the fiery darts of the wicked one."
489 Richard Shackelford died in 1823. His will mentions wife Mary Ann Shackelford, daughters Margaret Cook, Rebeckah Petty, Frances Landrum, sons-in-law Isaac Mitchell and Abner Pyle, and sons George, William, Richard, and James Shackelford.
490 Richard Shackelford's lineal ancestors were his father Roger Shackelford (born about 1700 in Essex or Gloucester County, Virginia; married Carey Baker in about 1735; died about 1780), his grandfather Francis Shackelford (born about 1664 in Gloucester County, Virginia; married about 1695 Sarah Virginia Lewis; died about 1726), his great-grandfather Roger Shackelford (baptized April 23, 1629 in Old Alresford, Hampshire, England; married about 1655 Mary Palmer; died about 1710), and his great great grandfather John Shackelford, of Old Alresford, England.
Notes for Richard Nunn Shackelford
Genealogy of Shackelfords and Shacklefords
Editor: T. K. Jones 2306-8th St. Lubbock, Texas
$2.00 A Year Published Monthly 15c A Copy
Lubbock, Texas January 1957 Vol. 12. No. 9
Motto: A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors, are not likely to achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants.
We are now going to discuss some of the descendants of Richard and Mary Ann Roberts Shackelford. This Richard was a son of Roger and Carey Baker-Shackelford. He was born in Virginia, probably Hanover County, December 14, 1750. Died in Madison County, Alabama, January 11, 1824. His wife was Mary Ann Roberts, whom he married in Virginia, probably in Halifax County. He left a will in Madison County, Alabama, dated December 29, 1823, just two weeks before he died, in which he made mention of nine children, but named only seven of them. (See your Shackelford Clan Magazine for April 1947).
His will has been published and much has been written about his descendants, but in this issue we are going to give you a little additional information, and see if some one can help us out on whom we have so little, including those elusive Mitchells.
When Richard Shackelford wrote his will the first legatee named was his son-in-law Isaac Mitchell, thus leading us to believe that his daughter -- wife of Isaac Mitchell, was desceased. He named the daughters and their husbands that are known to have been living at that time.
So from the will we do not know names of his daughters that married Isaac Mitchell and Abner Pyles, but he had a son Richard, Jr., born June 26, 1787, married Frances Arnold, later moved to Texas and died in Smith County, Texas, in 1868.
Richard, Jr. left an old Bible that contained the names of his own children, and several of the other Mitchell children. In 1942 this old Bible was in possession of Mrs Jean Rinehart, of Big Spring, Tex. Mrs Rinehart copied the records from that old Bible for us, but when she sent them to us she said that much of the writing, being so old, was very dim, and in a few cases almost completely obliterated. We mention this because of the slight discrepancy in one of the dates that we shall mention.
According to that old Bible the following children were children of Isaac and Sally Mitchell. So by this we learn the name of the wife of Isaac Mitchell. Their five children, as follows:
Frances--------------(born January 28, 1793)
Mary----------------(born September 6, 1794)
Richard Shackelford----(born January 26, 1796)
Daniel---------------(born January 20, 1798)
Isaac----------------(born June 25, 1802)
Since Richard Shackelford, Sr., and Richard, Jr., were both living in Laurens County, S. C., in 1802, it is reasonable to assume that Isaac Mitchell was living in the or near the same place. It also appears reasonable to assume that Isaac Mitchell left there soon after 1802, or that his wife died soon after that date, or there would have been other children born and recorded in the same Bible.
Records of Madison County, Alabama, show that he, Isaac Mitchell, went to that County. But there is nothing to show that he died there. Other descendants claim that the Mitchells moved to Texas, but we have never located them. Therefore any information of descendants of the above named Mitchell children would be greatly appreciated.
We have recently received records from Madison Co., Alabama, of one Richard Mitchell. These records show a slight discrepancy in the birth date of the Richard Shackelford Mitchell mentioned above, and this Richard. We will herein give you the family record of the Richard Mitchell that remained in Madison County, Alabama; and should any one be able to confirm the fact that he was a son of Isaac, or not a son of Isaac, we shall be forever grateful. His family is as follows:
Richard Mitchell was born, place not shown, January 21, 1796, date of his death is not shown. And it will be noted that this Richard was born January 21st, while the known son of Isaac was born, as we have it, January 26, both dates being in the same month and year. And as the old Bible was so old and the writing so dim, we feel it safe to assume that they are one and the same person.
This Richard Mitchell married Mary (Polly) Stone, August 17, 1815. She was born November 4, 1797. Date of death not shown. They had ten children, as follows:
Eli----------------(born June 18, 1816)
Sarah--------------(born August 5, 1818)
Isaac--------------(born October 8, 1820)
Prisilah------------(born June 21, 1823)
Margaret----------(born November 5, 1825)
Everline------------(born February 29, 1828)
Anner-------------(born September 18, 1830)
Mary C.-----------(born March 5, 1833)
Andrew J.---------(born March 5, 1836)
James M.----------(born July 5, 1839)
Of the above children we find that Everline (Eveline) Mitchell married Crusen Snyder. And Anner (Anna) Mitchell married Hezekiah Ford.
One Margaret Mitchell, parentage not shown, married Josiah Miller, August 12, 1819.
Other Mitchell marriages in Madison County, Alabama, as follows:
Daniel Mitchell married Ruth Malot Young, February 14, 1820.
Archibald Mitchell married Amy Robinson, November 9, 1820.
Jeremiah Murphy married Nancy Mitchell, April 23, 1821.
James Mitchell married Matilda Baker, December 20, 1821.
J. J. Bain married Sally Mitchell, August 15, 1822. Michael Mason, M. G.
John N. Mitchell married Sarah Hutchinson, October 7, 1825.
Benjamin F. Clark married Polly Mitchell, June 10, 1824. Solemnized by Z. W. Baker, minister.
William Mitchell married Deborah Dickson, January 4, 1827. Solemnized by Thomas M. King.
Isaac Mitchell, Sr. was evidently the son-in-law of Richard Shackelford, and he appears to have married a second time, as we find one Isaac Mitchell, Sr. with a wife named Martha (Patsy). He was in Madison County, Alabama, as late as 1829.
What became of him and others of his descendants is information greatly to be desired.
Richard and Mary Ann Roberts-Shackelford had another daughter named in his will as Margaret, wife of John Cook. And we have very little information of the Cook family, therefore would be grateful for anything additional.
John Cook was known as Major John Cook, and records of Madison County, Alabama, show that he died July 8, 1822. And from the deeds and settlement of his estate we find that John and Margaret Shackelford-Cook had the following children:
Emily----------(married Calvin Shackelford (cousins))
Margaret------(married James Harrison ??)
Isaac----------(married Mary Ann ??)
Clayton--------(married Telitha or Tabitha)
Mary Ann-----(married ??)
John B.--------(married ??)
Elizabeth-------(married Alfred Hathcock)
Our records show that John and Margaret Cook had a daughter Margaret that married James Harrison, but this is questionable, as she does not show up in the division of John's estate.
Margaret Shackelford-Cook married for her second husband -- John Hathcock. We have no record of any children being born to that union.
We will be grateful for any and all additional information of the Major John Cook family.
Richard and Mary Ann Roberts-Shackelford had a daughter named Frances, whom he mentioned as second legatee in his will, as Frances Landrum, wife of John Landrum.
The Landrum family remained in South Carolina, and we have previously mentioned them in the magazine, but for the benefit of those from whom we have recently received inquiries, we herewith give you a copy of John Landrum's will and family.
Rev. John Landrum was born in Chatham County, N. C., May 10, 1765. He died in Edgefield County, S. C., December 24, 1847. He married Frances, second daughter of Richard and Mary Ann Roberts-Shackelford. We do not have her birth or death date, nor do we have the date of their marriage. In his will he mentions only seven children, but our records show them to have had ten children, as follows:
Lucinda W.------------(married Winburn Asa Lawton)
Elizabeth C.------------(married Major John Swearingen)
Rebecca S.------------(married Allen Bartlett Mims)
Dr John J.--------------(married Margaret Lucretia Smyly)
Mary S.----------------(married Lewis Miles)
Narcissa----------------(no other records)
Nancy------------------(no other records)
Harriet B.---------------(married Aquilla Miles)
Benjamin Franklin-------(married Rebecca Miles)
George------------------(drowned in childhood)
From the above it would appear that the Landrum children were right fond of the Miles family.
I, John Landrum, Sr., of Edgefield, S. C., being in good health and sound disposing mind, knowing the uncertainty of life, feel desirous of disposing of the property which the Lord has helped me with, to give and bequeath it in the manner following, to wit:
First: It is my will and desire that such property as I have already given off to my children, remain theirs, to them and their children, forever, it being as just a division as I can make, with the exception of the part given to my daughter -- Rebecca S. Mims, whom I intended to give on[e] hundred dollars more, and should I not be able to give her the one hundred dollars during my life, it is my will that my executors pay to her trustee the said amount before my estate is divided between my heirs.
Secondly: It is my will that each of my lawful heirs, at my death, shall share my property that then shall remain, equally between them, with this special condition -- That my sons have their property in fee simple, and that my son J. Landrum receive such property as may fall to the share of my daughter -- Elizabeth C. Swearingen and my daughter -- Harriet B. Miles children, in trust for them. It is expressively my desire that such property as they receive from my estate be not subject to their husband's debts, but the support of the whole family.
Thirdly: It is my will that the portion of my estate that is to be for the support of my daughter -- Rebecca S. Mims, be given in trust to Mr. John Swearingen, and not subject to her husband's debts, but for the support of the whole family.
Fourthly: It is my will and desire that such property as falls to the share of my daughter -- Lucinda W. Lawton, be given in trust to my friend Alex J. Lawton, for the support of herself and family, and not subject to her husband's debts.
Fifthly: It is my will and desire that such property as falls to the share of my daughter -- Mary S. Miles, be given to my son -- B. Franklin Landrum, in trust, for the support of herself and family, and not subject to her husband's debts.
Sixth: It is my will that if my son B. Franklin Landrum shall pay into the hands of my executors, in cash, one dollar per acre for a tract of land between Wolf Branch of Bear Creek, the creek and the original line as surveyed by Buchhalter, containing about three hundred acres, they make him a lawful title to the same.
Seventh: I hereby nominate and appoint my son John J. Landrum and John Swearingen, my executors to this my last Will and Testament, revoking all others; as witness my hand and seal this January, thirteenth eighteen hundred and forty three, in the sixty seventh year of American Independence.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Lewis Clark, Thomas Morris, and Benjamin P. Lockwood.
Sig -- John X (his mark) Landrum.
Recorded December 19, 1843.
Will Book D, page 303, Edgefield, S. C.
Of the above children we have more or less data on two or three of them. The Lawton family appears to have remained in South Carolina. John Swearingen is said to have moved to Russell County, Alabama. Also Allen Bartlett Mims.
The Lewis Miles family is said to have moved to Chatham County, Georgia.
We have never learned what became of the Aquilla Miles family. Benjamin Franklin Landrum, our records show, remained in South Carolina.
Anything additional on any of the John Landrum - Frances Shackelford descendants will be greatly appreciated.
"Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man" -- Bacon
Transcribed by Stephen William Shackelford, August 15, 1998 - Austin, Texas.
Notes for Richard Nunn Shackelford
Will of Richard Shackelford
In the name of God, Amen: I, Richard Shackelford, of the County of Madison, and State of Alabama, being of perfect mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. First: My just debts to be paid, and then the residue of my estate to be disposed of in the following manner and way, to-wit: I give and bequeath to my son-in-law Isaac Mitchell, one negro girl named Merinda, and feather bed and furniture and what other property I have heretofore given him. Third: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Frances Landrum, the money that a certain negro girl named Lucy, was sold for, which money John Landrum, her husband, has received. Also one negro boy named Laurents, with the rest of the property she has heretofore received. Fourth: I give to my son George Shackelford, one negro girl named Esther, together with all the property I have heretofore given him. I also lend him during his natural life the lot of ground whereon he now lives, including ten or twelve acres to be laid off in an oblong square so as to include the spring of water on the Windham quarter section; and also all the land of the 2 (184) said quarter lying east of the said spring branch. To hold and to occupy during his natural life, and after his death it is my will that the said land shall be equally divided between my sons James Shackelford and Richard Shackelford. Fifth: I give to my son-in-law - Abner Pyles, one feather bed and furniture, with all the property I have heretofore given him, except a negro girl named Jane, with all her increase, which I give and bequeath to his daughter Mathilda. Sixth: I give to my son James Shackelford, one negro boy named Pompey, together with all of the property I have given him heretofore. Seventh: I give to my daughter Margaret Cook, one negro girl named Catey, one feather bed and furniture, with all the property I have given her heretofore. Eighth: I give to my son Ritchard Shackelford, one negro boy named William, with all the property I have heretofore given him. Ninth: I give to my son - William Shackelford, deceased, and to his heirs, one negro man named David, together with all the property I have given him heretofore. And I give and bequeath unto my daughter - Rebecka Petty, one negro woman named Malinda, one negro boy named Isaac, and one other child named Able, and all the increase the said Malinda may hereafter have. I give and bequeath to my little grand child - Mary Elizabeth Petty, a negro child named Siney or Liney, and one feather bed. I now give to my beloved wife - Mary Ann Shackelford, the tract of land whereon I now live, except the part heretofore named; also four negroes to wit: Lucey, Abram, Zilphy, and Tasco, together with all the household and kitchen furniture that is not heretofore bequeathed; and all my plantation tools, and stock of all kinds that I am now in possession of, to have and to hold and to dispose of at her pleasure during her natural life, and after her death it is my will and desire 3 (185) that my daughter Rebecka, and son-in-law Zachariah Petty, shall peaceably possess, inherit and enjoy the said land with all its appurtenances, free from the claim or claims of any person or persons forever. The balance of my property, if there should be, it is my will that it should be equally divided between my children heretofore mentioned, except two negroes - Zylpha and Tasco, which is left entirely to her disposal, to do what she may think proper with. for the true performance of this my last will and testament I do constitute and appoint my son George Shackelford, and my son-in-law- Zachariah Petty, Executors to this, my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby revoke and make void all and every will or wills by me before made; and I do acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the twenty ninth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty three, (December, 29, 1823). Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of William Wright, William Smith and Samuel Hopkins. Sig - Richard Shackelford
The above document recorded in Probate Record Book # 3, page 70, File #647, dated December, 29, 1823, in Madison County, Alabama.