Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameWilliam Beasley 
Birth9 Mar 1774, Mecklenburg Co NC
Notes for Rachel (Spouse 1)
This was confirmed by Rachel Robinett Beasley's obituary, which stated that she was born March 9, 1774, in Mecklenburg NC, emigrated with her parents to GA, where she married William Beasley. From Georgia they moved to Mississippi, then to St. Landry Parish, LA, then to Texas.
She died at the home of J. H. Calliham. Evidently she had lived with the Callihams since her husband's death before 1840.
This should confirm that the name MARY DOYLE was completely incorrect. That information was supplied by Aunt Leola, who was in her 70's at the time, and perhaps not remembering as clearly as she thought.