NameWyatt Smith 
Birth6 Oct 1857, MS
Death21 Jul 1906, Stockdale, Wilson Co TX Age: 48
BurialStockdale Cemetery, Wilson Co TX274
Birth10 Oct 1859, Jackson, Hinds Co MS
Death2 Jan 1940, San Antonio, Bexar Co TX Age: 80
BurialStockdale Cemetery, Wilson Co TX274
Marriage23 Nov 1876, Leflore Co MS275
Notes for Wyatt Smith
1880 Census of Yazoo Co MS:
Name Age
Wyatt Smith 22
Sophronia Smith 19
William A. Smith 2
Wyatt E. Smith 3/12
1900 census of Wilson Co TX:
Name Age
Wyatt Smith 42 head Oct 1857 MS SC MS
Sophronia A Smith 40 wife Oct 1859 MS TN MS
Wyatt E Smith 20 son Feb 1880 MS MS MS
John O Smith 17 son Jul 1882 MS MS MS
Annie M Smith 15 dau Sep 1884 TX MS MS
Hattie S Smith 13 dau Apr 1887 TX MS MS
Isac K Smith 9 son Apr 1891 TX MS MS
Eula F Smith 1 dau Jul 1898 TX MS MS
Medora A Hunt 47 sister-in-law Mar 1853 MS TN MS
1910 census of Wilson Co TX:
Name Age
Wyatt Smith 50 head widow*
King Smith 19 son married
Alberta Smith 18 dau-in-law
Dolo Hunt 59 sister widow
This is really Sophoronia; in the gender field, “M” was written and then over-written by “F”
Notes for Saphronia (Spouse 1)
The 1910 census of Wilson Co TX reported Wyatt Smith as head of household, although he had died in 1906. The gender was described as F, so it is clear that this really referred to the widow Sophronia.
1920 Census of Stockdale, Wilson Co TX
Sopronia Smith 59
Opal Goodwin 10
Joseph Goodwin 8
Dora Hurt 67
1930 Census of Stockdale, Wilson Co TX
Wyatt Smith 70 female MS MS MS widow
Dora Hurt 77 sister
Opal L Goodwin 20 neice **************
J W Goodwin 18 nephew **************